March 30, 2018

the art of electronics review

One of the big ones was getting a copy of AoE 2nd Edition in school. Adafruit has the explanations you asked for: “The Art of Electronics – Student manual with exercises” which is the first place I’d ever seen it. Within each chapter information is broken out into a number of headings. Third edition exceeded all my expectations. The Art of Electronics brilliantly conveys its authors' enthusiasm and experience of practical engineering and is an inspiring read. A heart-felt “thank you!” for these brilliant books.” — Alistair May, Linaud Ltd. “Thank you for all the time and effort you invested in creating the best electronics book in the galaxy :)” — Cassiano Rabelo. The jewel of the crown is the chapter on precision circuits.”, “This is my bible. The book’s chapters are broken out into logical sub-groups like “Foundations”, “Digital Electronics”, and “Microprocessors.” There are 15 chapters and a number of appendixes with useful information. “This is my bible. I just wish we did not have to wait 26 years for it. The book is an absolute masterpiece! “From electronics hobbyist, through to University Lecturer and then on to R&D director of an electronics company, The Art of Electronics has always been there. The book is beautifully laid out, and the diagrams are really. As I stated above, it is my go-to reference for electronics. Even if you can’t afford a couple packs of Ramen noodles after the purchase, you can read and feed your mind with this really great book while your growling stomach keeps you awake at nights.” — C.J. “I bought AoE2 back in 1989, when I was a teenager with an interest in electronics. I have no background in electronics and am making good heading through the pages. So much money wasted on the rest of the library I’ve purchased. 0:22. Great book, buy it, use it, keep it.”, “Even better than before! “This is a delightful book … an excellent teaching text as well as a lab reference. I was hooked and mesmerized, and read it late into the night, every night for months. “The authors’ to-the-point yet warm narrative brings together just the right level of model, just the right rules of thumb, and representative industry data, to allow the designer new to the topic to gain insight into how a more-experienced designer would proceed. But what learning experience doesn’t have that? It’s just a great book of knowledge…..worth every penny of the price. White, “This is simply the best electronics book I’ve ever come across. Just to mention to folks, our book, AoE, is available as a Kindle eBook from Amazon. This is the thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the hugely successful The Art of Electronics. Or, refer to the pinouts, diagrams, and. I really am impressed by how little you have to know in advance and how much you can learn by the end of a single chapter let alone the entire book. This book, true to its name, is all about Electronics. Worth its weight in gold.”, “I rarely write reviews of anything, but this is the exception. What a legacy the authors have produced. While some people can learn about electronics from mathematical models and explanations, the Art of Electronics focuses on an intuitive understanding, which (for me) is a much easier way to learn.”, “I’ve hunted high and low for good electronics textbooks. 100+ PCBs later, I now run my own electronics design consultancy in Cambridge, spending nearly every day designing circuits. You and Paul have done a fantastic job! I have a copy of this, and was glad to see it so highly recommended. You don’t have to be a full blooded nerd to understand and enjoy this book. My only ‘twinge’ is that it discloses and explains (in glorious graphical detail and with real part numbers) many topics that I thought were my personal trade secrets. They all complement one another. I know that it must take an enormous effort to collate all of the device characteristics. I find this book is too good to put on the shelf. Third edition exceeded all my expectations. All the glowing praise from luminaries much more entitled to an opinion than I am certainly seems to be justified. It is also light hearted and anecdotal, with some wonderful pages of bad circuit ‘howlers’ that the authors have encountered.” — IJEEE, “For more than a month after I purchased The Art of Electronics it rarely left my side. The revised version of this masterpiece is better than ever! Well…. I have no background in electronics and am making good heading through the pages. I really am impressed by how little you have to know in advance and how much you can learn by the end of a single chapter let alone the entire book. The Art of Electronics brilliantly conveys its authors' enthusiasm and experience of practical engineering and is an inspiring read. Highly recommended if you are serious about doing circuit design.” — J. This is the last of a series of three editions representing a lifetime of work and effort by the authors. If you think you’re even remotely interested in Electronics, you need to get this book.” — Jack Abramoff, “Awesome reference. It starts from the very basics of voltage, current, and resistance without getting heavily dependent on physics theory or mathematics, and proceeds to cover a huge variety of interesting topics…. I always ask prospective engineers if they own a copy. It’s a fantastic tutorial and reference.” — N. Hendin. Thank you, thank you, to the authors of The Art of Electronics!” — bible a reader. The author is accepting reports of errata and publishing them, to be corrected in future revisions. I cannot recommend this book highly enough to anyone whose research or experiments require some electronics.” — Optical Engineering, “I believe I have found the best self-teaching and reference book in electronics, after an arduous 10-year search!… The beauty and fun of electronics shows through.” — Radio Communication. You might ask, “can’t you get the same information from the Internet?”  And yes, of course you can. Highly recommended if you are serious about doing circuit design.”, “This is simply the best electronics book I’ve ever come across. It is simply spectacular. When I go to bed I read 2 hours, and when I wake up next to the book another 2 hours of reading ensues. It’s worth the effort. Excellent design oriented electronics reference manual and book. like Centronics, SCSI, and GPIB. AoE brilliantly conveys its authors’ enthusiasm and experience of practical engineering and is an inspiring read. If not, bye-bye. Updated with new circuits, it provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of electronics for the novice reader, but also gives insight into circuit details that even experienced designers may not know.”, “Amazing Book. techniques as necessary to guide you through a difficult project. “I’ve hunted high and low for good electronics textbooks. Authors are veteran engineers who show real life instances of their knowledge. “Gold Standard”: If you are a hobbyist or maker who wants to acquire or improve a well-rounded knowledge of electronics, then AoE is an ideal book for you. …One of my favorite chapters is Electronic Construction Techniques. I always ask prospective engineers if they own a copy. “Electronics Design Bible. This scheme of making maximum use of the insights of simple approximations described in words, and introducing more formal design only after understanding has gained real headway, is the pedagogical core of this original treatment…. They are graduates of the school of hard-knocks when it comes to building one-of-a-kinds, and designing gear to be produced in small volumes. The Art of Electronics 3rd edition - author response - Page 1. I own the second edition as well and this is worth the upgrade. AoE3 is even better than AoE2, and lots of late-night reading has started again. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Art of Electronics at Amazon.com. Take a day out to read a chapter — you will learn things you didn’t even know you didn’t know. Below you will find an outline of the chapters and appendices. This new book is a superb update, one that I’m sure will, be treasured by those close to the art of analog circuitry. Further, I believe my career in engineering boils down to a few distinct pushes in that direction before it was in my blood (and therefore too late). Like the second edition I’ve used for years, it’s laser-focused on the working engineer. She wonders why I like it so much. They are true pros when it comes to this writing style. “My first copy of the book arrived at my home the other day. Nice work.” —, “Who among us has not kept a cherished copy of AoE on our workbench. The depth is genuine, as is the richness of examples, data and apt tricks.” —, “The ‘bottom line’ question is, ‘If I were to have only one set of electronic books, are these [text and student manual] the ones I should buy?’. BUY IT. I wish they’d kept the “good” and “bad” circuit examples, some of which were hilarious, but with all the comprehensive new material something had to be sacrificed. — review by Ian Bell in Everyday Practical Electronics (UK), Feb 2016. Great book, buy it, use it, keep it.” — Dan P. Bullard. BUY IT. Excellent design oriented electronics reference manual and book. The circuits actually work, the schematics are readable, and there is even a section on how to draw good schematics. Overall this is a good reference for any practicing electrical / electronics engineer, especially in the analog realm. 5.0 out of 5 stars An old friend, rejuvenated. Things you will recognize from the first 2 editions: The enthusiasm for electronics comes through in the writing, the clean descriptions and supreme attention to detail in the quality of the schematics, images, and tables. “I rarely write reviews of anything, but this is the exception. The Art of Electronics brilliantly conveys its authors’ enthusiasm and experience of practical engineering and is an inspiring read. Interesting. Great reference item that should be required on every engineer’s desk. Lots of new content in the analog portions of the book. “Even better than before! When I have access to the book, there isn’t a day I reference something in it. Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits The Art of Electronics 3rd Edition by Horowitz & Hill HARDCOVER [Third Edition] ID: 2356 - We absolutely love The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. The Art of Electronics. Widely accepted as the authoritative text and reference on electronic circuit design, both analog and digital, this book revolutionized the teaching of electronics by emphasizing the methods actually used by circuit designers -- a combination of some basic laws, rules of thumb, and a large bag of tricks. If it were up to me, all colleges would use this book as an introduction to Electrical Engineering. It’s one of those tools that will give you an edge. Much to my parents’ relief, electronics then displaced my dangerous hobby of chemistry. Switching power supplies have conquered the world (also polluting it with all sorts of electrical noise), voltages have gone way down, frequencies have gone up … This scheme of making maximum use of the insights of simple approximations described in words, and introducing more formal design only after understanding has gained real headway, is the pedagogical core of this original treatment…. to read through for tips and tricks AND is a unbeatable resource! Verified Purchase. Updated with new circuits, it provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of electronics for the novice reader, but also gives insight into circuit details that even experienced designers may not know.” — Constantine. There are lots of great example circuits in here and examples of what NOT to do, reinforcing the cautions and caveats in the text. On opening the box, my initial impression was WOW! The way the data is presented allows the reader to get terrific perspective on a lot, of landscape in a single view. If you think electrical engineering is magical then you must pick up, “Horowitz and Hill’s third edition beautifully upgrades their earlier, work, with substantial updates to detail, and without compromise to, style, content, or technical quality. In this book, you will learn topics such as as those in your book plus much more. Thanks for all your hard work!” — Aaron Kondziela. Fan of making stuff beep, blink, and fly. EEVblog Electronics Community Forum. Much to my parents’ relief, electronics then displaced my dangerous hobby of chemistry. “Simply the BEST MUST-HAVE in Electronics! If you think electrical engineering is magical then you must pick up this tome!” — Limor “Ladyada” Fried, Adafruit Industries, “Horowitz and Hill’s third edition beautifully upgrades their earlier work, with substantial updates to detail, and without compromise to style, content, or technical quality. An encyclopedia of electronics knowledge, AoE is a pleasure to read through for tips and tricks AND is a unbeatable resource! Fascinating stuff.”. There is nothing more to be said other than it was worth the multi decade wait from 2nd edition. “Encyclopaedia Electronica – but it will popularize tiny desktop forklifts. Great reference item that should be required on every engineer’s desk. If you’d like to buy it, it’s available from most electronics shops, like Adafruit. Highly recommended.” — Joseph Bianco, “From electronics hobbyist, through to University Lecturer and then on to R&D director of an electronics company, The Art of Electronics has always been there. The comprehensive and detailed treatment, and the up-to-date table of data, assure that this edition will rapidly replace the first as the standard electronics text and reference in the physics lab.” —, “Horowitz and Hill has long been established among students and teachers (and many practising engineers) as the standard reference book… For many it is the first port of call whenever faced with a seemingly intractable problem. When I go to bed I read 2 hours, and when I wake up next to the book another 2 hours of reading ensues. What a legacy the authors have produced. It is simply spectacular. Plus this book is written so a nerd-halfling can understand. The comprehensive and detailed treatment, and the up-to-date table of data, assure that this edition will rapidly replace the first as the standard electronics text and reference in the physics lab.” — American Journal of Physics, “Horowitz and Hill has long been established among students and teachers (and many practising engineers) as the standard reference book… For many it is the first port of call whenever faced with a seemingly intractable problem. The way the data is presented allows the reader to get terrific perspective on a lot of landscape in a single view. The book is set up to teach you about Electronics and not to try to impress the reader with the writers knowledge & accomplishments….it’s not a Bragger-Book! So go check it out — I promise you won’t be sorry.” —, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). I tip my. Highly recommended.”, “From electronics hobbyist, through to University Lecturer and then on to R&D director of an electronics company, The Art of Electronics has always been there. It’s my buddy, and will be for a long, long time. The interview will give the history and philosophy and reason for the book in addition to content insight. A fabulous update to what I consider the best circuit design book ever. That may be overly exclamatory language, but it is the only appropriate verbiage I can summon. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s, Here are a few sites, services, and people I suggest visiting and following, MQTT Tutorial for Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and ESP8266, P-Channel MOSFET Tutorial with only Positive Voltages, The 4 best transistors to keep in your parts kit, 5 Myths Everyone Believes about Arduino (that aren't true), Arduino: Independent On-Off Times with Millis(), Multiple MQTT Topics with Arduino PubSubClient, 7+ Python Engineering Modules for Electronics Engineers, Raspberry Pi 4 Armchair Datasheet Evaluation, New Arduino Nano board from Maker Faire 2019. It’s not at all like studying – it’s too much fun.” — EDN (News Edition). Okay… GPIB might still be relevant today in some lab environments. What I like most about the chapter is the nuts-n-bolts recommendations — when does wire-wrapping a prototype make sense, when (or when not) to use a socket for a component, should you use a backplane inside your instrument, what’s the best way to do front-panel switching, and much more. Not cheap, but the best investment you can make if you want a career in electronics of any sort…My old 30 year copy has finally had an update! The book is an absolute masterpiece! This second volume carries on, … It is, without doubt, the book for the practical engineer. Of course, this isn’t to say my writing is as great as Horowitz and Hill. “Thank you for all the time and effort you invested in creating the best electronics book in the galaxy :)”, “Fantastic book! Preview the Book. However, it won’t take long to recover the cost of the book. I have a small library of electronics books and the’re all in this book. One of the big ones was getting a copy of AoE 2nd Edition in school. The term “encyclopaedic” is readily justified.”, “… this book is something every person interested in electronics should have — professional or hobbyist. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals ... and it still says "pending for review", and the only response I can get from them is a FAQ entry saying "upload document in the resolution center for review" then it kind of sucks. If it were up to me, all colleges would use this book as an introduction to Electrical Engineering. Use it to learn basic electronics without deep mathematics, and continue into advanced topics in a practical approach anyone can absorb. '” —, has clearly been worth the wait. “Absolutely the BEST damn book for learning electronics. “Awesome reference. For example, the data communication section covers protocols(?) It’s outstanding in its depth. My only ‘twinge’ is that it discloses and explains (in glorious graphical detail and with real part numbers) many topics that I thought were my personal trade secrets. “Encyclopaedia Electronica – but it will popularize tiny desktop forklifts. I have all three editions and the student manual. The answer must be a resounding ‘Yes! KN6FGY. “Amazing Book. …In case you haven’t got the idea yet — I really like this book. The term “encyclopaedic” is readily justified.” — M. Odell. The third edition was published on April 9th, 2015. On opening the box, my initial impression was WOW! Quite simply the best book on “real world” electronics you can buy. That may be overly exclamatory language, but it is the only appropriate verbiage I can summon. Maybe there is a companion answer book or an online forum somewhere you can visit to check your work. Re: Art of Electronics, Chapter 2x « Reply #1 on: September 22, 2017, 10:33:28 pm » Another book is in the works with X-tra info relating to the … Even if you can’t afford a couple packs of Ramen noodles after the purchase, you can read and feed your mind with this really great book while your growling stomach keeps you awake at nights.”. Good info on BJT / FET / OPAmp … I own the second edition as well and this is worth the upgrade. The intellectual integrity, raw practicality, and HANDS-ON-ness of this book are unparalleled. Same excellent writing and clarity. The authors’ vast experience building prototype instrumentation is evident. I cannot recommend this book highly enough to anyone whose research or experiments require some electronics.” —, “I believe I have found the best self-teaching and reference book in electronics, after an arduous 10-year search!… The beauty and fun of electronics shows through.” —, “This book is filled with a tremendous diversity of valuable information. “My first copy of the book arrived at my home the other day. The Art of Electronics is one of those books you always hear about, and it’s one of those books that electronics departments keep lying around for their engineers to look at when needed. All the glowing praise from luminaries much more entitled to an opinion than I am certainly seems to be justified. As of 2008, this book has been re-printed 22 times. You know? "They're back!" This is not quite a replacement for 2nd edition (some things from there were removed) but it is the best text of plain English explanation of electrical engineering.” — Joe Sacher. The jewel of the crown is the chapter on precision circuits.” — Dave Z. Once I read what Art of Electronics has to say, then I do more research–those rare times I’m not satisfied. Report. STOP HESITATING.”, “This book deserves a 5 star rating. Regardless, the mental exercises are still useful as a check for your own understanding. Can be used as a reference or a cover to cover read. No need to resubmit. ”, “Absolutely the BEST damn book for learning electronics. Playing next. It’s just a great book of knowledge…..worth every penny of the price. If you purchased the hands on lab course Learning The Art of Electronics (pub 2016) and want to do all the labs, you will find a very time consuming and tedious task of ordering the parts as there are approximately 135 distinct part numbers (resistor set excluded) from 9 suppliers. Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2015 What can I say, a little dated but still a classic. Based on the “large size” and limited device support, is this a scan of the original book instead of a text/mobi version? …One of my favorite chapters is, . The true value of the book is that it is not an academic text book. I want to get my own copy of it, now! No extraneous math, lots of insider’s information … and a huge range of topics covered clearly and thoroughly. Nice work.” — John Willison, founder, Stanford Research Systems, “Who among us has not kept a cherished copy of AoE on our workbench throughout our careers? Use it to learn basic electronics without deep mathematics, and continue into advanced topics in a practical approach anyone can absorb. I myself am a second-year E&E student at university. All those days and nights you spent perfecting them have really paid off. This one is the best, bar none. In addition to covering more advanced materials relevant to its companion, The x-Chapters also includes extensive treatment of many topics in electronics that are particularly novel, important, or just exotic and intriguing. I like to keep it nearby. Then during the day I think about the gems of knowledge this book shares. They all complement one another. I recently observed a graduate student in physics unfamiliar with op-amps start to build a haywired mess of a circuit. I recently observed a graduate student in physics unfamiliar with op-amps start to build a haywired mess of a circuit. throughout our careers? The long anticipated third edition of the Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill. With key features such as key terms, people and places, Facts101 gives you all the information you need to prepare for your next exam. Digital content has … Title:  The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill. There are lots of great example circuits in here and examples of what NOT to do, reinforcing the cautions and caveats in the text. I just wish we did not have to wait 26 years for it. Not cheap, but the best investment you can make if you want a career in electronics of any sort…My old 30 year copy has finally had an update! Engineers, hackers, and makers of all stripes: rejoice, for the third edition of AoE has been worth the wait! As a practicing electrical engineer, I’ve had the full complement of the usual textbooks which are way more theory and less practical experience. It contains a wealth of practical information, in charts, tables, and graphs, no other books come close. “Great book…..Really Great Book!!! This is the last of a series of three editions representing a lifetime of work and effort by the authors. Within each chapter information is broken out into a number of headings. Which might seem steep in the age of $0.99 Apps. “The most important and inspiring book on electronics there is. The interview will give the history and philosophy and reason for the book in addition to content insight. Many people have described the earlier editions as the best book on electronics, so [this third edition] had a lot to live up to; fortunately, it does not disappoint. If not, bye-bye. Chapter 5 details every circuit artifact that I’ve encountered in the past 30 years in a thorough, pragmatic, and straightforward way. Engineers, hackers, and makers of all stripes: rejoice, for the third edition of AoE has been worth the wait! Like the second edition I’ve, Delivered in folksy Horowitz and Hill style, it is rich with the kind, of nitty-gritty information that’s invaluable to circuit designers, and manufacturers, much of which is absent (or difficult to find), elsewhere. ALL comments submitted with fake or throw-away services are deleted, regardless of content. The ‘circuits from the masters’ sections and the case studies of specific circuit designs are fascinating and useful (although I do miss the hilarious ‘bad circuits’ sections). It starts from the very basics of voltage, current, and resistance without getting heavily dependent on physics theory or mathematics, and proceeds to cover a huge variety of interesting topics…. “Finest Electronics book ever … all 3 editions … best value for money too, despite price!” — Jon Wright. Fascinating stuff.” — GeoMan, “There aren’t enough stars for this epic volume. Forget that, this book mentions them in passing, and even has a tutorial on calculus, but does not rely on math to explain electronics, which really, is much simpler than most professors let on. Most of them throw a lot of formulas at you and confound you with differential equations. It is also light hearted and anecdotal, with some wonderful pages of bad circuit ‘howlers’ that the authors have encountered.” —, it rarely left my side. Wonderfully written, 150% useful. Many people have described the earlier editions as the best book on electronics, so [this third edition] had a lot to live up to; fortunately, … AoE brilliantly conveys its authors’ enthusiasm and experience of practical engineering and is an inspiring read. While no major breakthroughs have occurred in electronics, there are a few things that are out of date. “Fantastic book! Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2015. I love the plots. Most of them throw a lot of formulas at you and confound you with differential equations. To me, there is no one more important book in my life than H&H. The circuits actually work, the schematics are readable, and there is even a section on how to draw good schematics. So well written that I’ve had difficulty putting it down!” — CoEvolution Quarterly, “Far and away the finest book on the subject of electronics … in the last decade. Further, I believe my career in engineering boils down to a few distinct pushes in that direction before it was in my blood (and therefore too late). No bench should be without one.”, “Great book…..Really Great Book!!! I love the plots. The basics of components like [glossary slug=’npn’ /] Transistors, Capacitors, and Resistors still remain the same, some other aspects of electronics have changed. There is so much additional information packed into this book. Incredibly, the 3rd edition has expanded many of the things I loved about the 2nd edition. The Art of Electronics covers all the necessary topics such as electrical foundations (Ohm's and Kirchoff's Laws; Thevenin's and Norton's models, Complex Analysis of Circuits), both analog and digital technology (Operational Amplifiers; Analog-to-Digital Converters and vice versa; Microprocessors; Logic Circuits; etc. “The most important and inspiring book on electronics there is.

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