March 30, 2018

super capitalism vaush

Looked like two buildings with a skybridge to me, Subreddit for the socialist streamer & media critic Vaush, Press J to jump to the feed. Capital has existed incipiently on a small scale for centuries in the form of merchant, renting and lending activities and occasionally as small-scale industry with some wage labour. As they mutually agree to the utopian character of such a quest, Hakim sees revolutionism as the obvious solution, whereas Vaush hopes that he will be “debating the bourgeoisie out of the means of production” in the “marketplace of ideas” (arguably jokingly) but says that something substantial has to be done to move towards a new status quo. Fortunately, he underlined that the Democrats would always be limited by their inherent drive and character, as it is bourgeois and cannot self-destruct or decimate the system it stands on. Also i forgot to add, but in the minds of the public, socialism is authoritarianism AND the industry is controlled by the government, but anyways, in the future, history books will talk about theory like “oh yeah back in the day it was called socialism, but that’s just like, yknow, words change, they’re pretty much just describing super-capitalism.”, Wow what a cool comic. Yet, I encourage the readers, as always, to read critically and check the original sources themselves if in doubt. Unfortunately, we have no space or ambition right here, right now, to argue against such a position. Naturally, the conversation steers towards Reform or Revolution. Vaush said he abandoned the label of “anarchist” due to “a lot of contention about the specific definitions of anarchists…” and resorted to calling himself a libertarian socialist. This is true for economies around the world, too. Businesses will eventually consolidate in a pure form of Capitalism until only one provider is available in the market. That is, it is a system for dealing with money and wealth. Socialism, Capitalism, Aesthetics and everything else that could’ve been possibly misinterpreted, have been so by Vaush. I believe progressive socialism is the best solution to the problems our country - all countries - face, and I'm here to make arguments in favor of that belief. To this, Hakim agrees and they conclude that the revolutionary potential of the working class has shifted southwards. Vaush’s *NEW* “Super” Capitalism Economic System. Of course, as we are aware, also taking in account the entire third section of the said book, a “communist society” operates with the socialist mode of production, nevertheless the stage. It also has to be noted, that both the reflections and interpretation here are subjective, my own, and fallible. Close. Here, we must recall Engels’ letter to Bebel in Zwickau, March 18–28, 1875: “‘The elimination of all social and political inequality,’ rather than ‘the abolition of all class distinctions,’ is similarly a most dubious expression. That phrase carries a lot of weight with liberals, it's a good idea to use it, When shall we begin pushing Super Capitalism onto conservative communities, my excellency, Good idea and i agree for the conservative people to see this, but i worry about how leaders like ben shapiro will try to spin it, but then again when they say socialism bad, it’s always “this is literally socialism” and then either no explanation or the reason why that’s bad is because socialism = ussr, but maybe it’d be good for the conservatives to see and be like, “oh? Whenever my dad says capitalism isn't that bad I die a little more inside. share. The network was obtained from Twitter on Saturday, 02 January 2021 at 14:05 UTC. Hakim starts off discussing Lenin’s Imperialism by bringing up just the title of his work on the topic, to showcase that Imperialism is a stage of Capitalism, the highest one in fact. But under super capitalism, people vote for who has the best jetpack-related ideas, and those people get to fly around and do what they were voted in to do. Got any other clips on Super Capitalism? someone reported me to mrmouton. Open Letter to Vaush + All Consumption Under Capitalism is Unethical Defence Vegan message board for support on vegan related issues and questions. There could have very well been slip-ups, accidental mistakes and unintentional errors caused by anxiety, fatigue, misspeaking and so on. He reminded the audience that at the end of the day, socialism and for the working class to seize political power meaningfully wouldn’t be possible through such a system either way. The major benefit of this discussion, however, was exposing the “fanbase” of both sides to diverse ideas, opinions and propositions. I will leave judging this unfavourable situation to the readers. We don't. Poppy 14-Sep-17 07:26 PM. Information and translations of supercapitalism in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Hakim asserts that “capitalism cannot expand without imperialism” and that the inherent drive towards accumulation must necessarily go off the borders of a single nation. Vaush /ˈvaʊʃ/ (or VaushV) is a socialist YouTuber and occasional troll who advocates for "pro-markets" libertarian socialism to replace capitalism as an economic system in the near future. Independently, you’re more likely to make declarations without value or substance if you don’t have some preexisting knowledge and certain intellectual capital, for which theory is necessary. The graph represents a network of 6,478 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "#SuperCapitalism", or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 18,000 tweets. Nevertheless, this is not a catastrophic error. What he argues is that these terms are largely useless and generally dominate online spaces, whereas in “third world countries like [his] own,” people would ridicule you for your revolutionary aspirations having such dichotomous characterizations. Of course, he maintains that socialism cannot “happen” through Parliaments and decrees and doesn’t forget to mention Salvador Allende. I broadcast livestreams where I do debates, cover current events, critique media, and generally try not to take it all too seriously. I broadcast livestreams where I do debates, cover current events, critique media, and generally try not to take it all too seriously. The trend of civil discussion and broad agreement was maintained through the whole 2-hour-and-some stream, which brings us to the first minus of the whole endeavor: too little confrontation and critical examination of each other’s points. to get the correct sight of the conflicting parties’ stances. I posted a meme there once and I got yelled at for being lazy. Let us not anathemize this word and concept. We thus arrive at Part II. It is then that state intervention begins and becomes more necessary. Vaush real name. Vaush, by his own admission, is notorious for disliking theory or “having read it all.” He dispels this a bit by saying that he doesn’t necessarily believe this. We don't. Vaush / ˈ v aʊ ʃ / (or VaushV) is an American socialist YouTuber and occasional troll who advocates for "pro-markets" libertarian socialism to replace capitalism as an economic system in the near future. Capitalism is an economic system. Here, Hakim’s mistake was granting Vaush’s assertion that a revolution in America is 100% impossible validity. I also have a low tolerance for leftists tho. Both of them are indeed correct in assuming that the chances of a revolutionary movement breaking out in the US are very slim, but not impossible. Once again, we must not be deluded enough to consider this a substantial contribution to global workers’ struggles, nor does it constitute “theory.” But dominating and controlling the information inflow-outflow, as well as the discourse online is not an easy feat, nor an irrelevant one. We cannot call this stream fruitless, as much more elaboration and nuance was displayed than expected, but it could have gone much better in terms of intellectual stimulation and collision, which could’ve given birth to actual and radical responses to pressing issues, instead of broadness and vagueness which is still important to be understood by the audience, but not enough. Here, I think both parties had severe flaws. Hakim raised a point about the European-style Parliamentarianism (e.g. Coming to an end, Vaush offers a description of “supercapitalism,” a concept which isn’t new but has been repackaged and trending online since 2021 began: “[It’s] twisting the definition of capitalism… “everyone gets private ownership now”… to the point where you’re actually extolling socialism using capitalist aesthetics, you actually get a socialist society that calls itself capitalism. The stream certainly started off… interestingly. He is led to introducing the notion of Labor Aristocracy “as Lenin, Marx and Engels termed it.” A slight technical and very pedantic correction here would obviously be that Marx never implicitly used such terminology and it was only Engels who used “Labor Aristocracy” after Marx’s death, after which Kautsky helped popularize it and it was adopted by Lenin in his analyses of Imperialism. That’s socialism? statement pass.” Thus, both sides have proposed somewhat incorrect visions of the future, one removing it completely from socialism and the other presenting a “socialism” still rooted in capitalist exchange relations. Supercapitalism was a concept that was developed in Italian Fascism. Vaush’s *NEW* “Super” Capitalism Economic System PragerU Releases - And I'm Not Kidding Here - a Pro-Slavery Video Vaush Reacts: Vaush Detractors (BadEmpanada, Hakim, \u0026 More) Super shitty. From the above it is clear that the real intellectual wealth of the individual depends entirely on the wealth of his real connections. The graph represents a network of 2,297 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "#SuperCapitalism", or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 18,000 tweets. Ian McCulloch - YTS - YIFY Movies - Torrent Download. But the very mellow and at times dull flow of the conversation was much more fruitful in establishing personal respect than it was in clashing on obvious and unaddressed disagreements. Read writing from The Acheron In Motion on Medium. Here, we near the last 25 minutes of the stream, where the men discuss theory, heterodox ways of arriving at conclusions, “supercapitalism” and the aesthetic. Biden signs executive actions on coronavirus response, including invoking Defense Production Act "to direct all federal agencies and private industry to accelerate the making of everything that's needed to protect, test, vaccinate, and take care of our people." But rereading it, I believe there should be none. So this was the reaction to uh Gina's introduction to the Mandalorian. Second, Bernie came behind Hillary in one election cycle, but as a result of many years of campaigns and organization, which means that we cannot chalk this up to a result from a single cycle. share. For a fright­en­ing num­ber of view­ers, this half an ear has, at one time or an­other, been lent to ul­tra-right po­lit­i­cal stream­ers: rang­ing from lib­er­tar­ian chau­vin­ists to full-blown white su­prem­a­cists. Destiny has overlap and origins in the internet debate logix scene so he appeals a lot to young What doesn't get talked about much is the actual capitalism versus socialism debate we were supposed to have gotten. Even if a lefty does not further a leftist cause and merely profits from lefty content creations it is … Shortly, humorous detournement is made to joke about the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot abolishing the commodity form (where The Acheron’s article about Pol Pot got indirectly mentioned by Hakim). ]… Americans are terrible at civil disobedience.” He nails on the head of many issues, clearly identifying the American unwillingness and cowardice for serious political activity, and when this does take place, it’s not incredibly effective from our point of view, although his approach is still much more fatalistic than preferred. Vaush, impressively, mentions “electoralist nonsense” and claims that the Democratic Party will obviously not do anything in favor of Socialism. 2. éî `h º‘ în A AºC. Anyways who else likes #supercapitalism? Do we even comment on the level of absurdity and utopianism present in this definition? And Vaush’s view is preconditioned on the notion that Socialism will indeed never take root, as doing so would sublate any divides and inequalities where the so-called “social and economic” are concerned. Often, these countries are the most open to trade. Posted by 1 month ago. They benefit … One more mistake Hakim made here is agreeing to a form of entryism: he agreed that creating caucuses within the Democratic Party to “make these ideas more prevalent in society” could be useful. Capitalism was more and more dependent on the demands and whims of investors and consumers, at the expense of individual citizens. ), a power which has become more and more enormous and, in the last instance, turns out to be the world market. Topics include philosophy, activism, effective altruism, plant-based nutrition , and diet advice/discussion whether high carb, low carb (eco atkins/vegan keto) or anything in between. The concept of a socialist society as a realm of equality is a one-sided French concept deriving from the old ‘liberty, equality, fraternity,’ a concept which was justified in that, in its own time and place, it signified a phase of development, but which, like all the one-sided ideas of earlier socialist schools, ought now to be superseded, since they produce nothing but mental confusion, and more accurate ways of presenting the matter have been discovered.”. He emphasizes that this should not be at the expense of working class consciousness or organizational development (not seeing the inherent contradiction in these two declarations). monkas. Even a faint protest of “perhaps, but not entirely out of the question” would’ve been satisfactory. So Vaush is a self-described "Leftist-Libertrarian" (Anarcho-Communist). “For every shiny building in Sweden, we have three sweatshops [in the Third World].” — Vaush. xanderhal twitter, The best 'Pipeline' images and discussions of September 2020. He must not become US health secretary | Gabriel Levitt. 5. The matter is rather easy: Socialism or Imperialism, as Luxemburg declared (yes, this is separate from the Socialism or Barbarism slogan). He mentions the yellow vest protests in France as well, reviewing protests as a form of political disobedience. Hakim asserted that his personal views are that of a “Marxist-Leninist” but very curiously, he voiced that he “personally consider[s himself] a Libertarian too,” adding that while this is generally true, “when it comes to pragmatism… my Libertarianism has to be dulled.” We’re off to a rather peculiar start! Secondly, such a revolution should form, in modern terms, a communist matrix based on developed countries. Both seem to agree to the idea that a revolution in the first world is very improbable, and Vaush aggressively asserts that perhaps only the “Global South” has the capacity and the ability to carry out revolutions in this day and age. SUPER CAPITALISM, talking w/ Hakim, weed & more! wow, i will be sure to check that out, totally not pinkwug! But Vaush tries to wrap this up in the narrative of “it’s possible to arrive at these conclusions in… unorthodox ways,” which is undoubtedly true but also should be viewed skeptically. Alternative Hypothesis did a video on him. The network was obtained from Twitter on Saturday, 02 January 2021 at 14:05 UTC. We speak to author Ben Burgis on the importance of narratives from medicare for all, to Q Anon, to Vaush's so called 'Super Capitalism', and the Capitol protest.Ben Burgis is a philosophy professor at Georgia State University Perimeter College and the author of the best-selling "Give Them An Argument: Logic for the Left." Trending posts and videos related to Pipeline! They hate communism more than they love capitalism I think. On January 3rd, 2021, Youtubers Hakim and Vaush held a live-streamed discussion on the latter’s channel under the title “SUPER CAPITALISM, talking w/ Hakim, weed & more!” which had an average of 15,000 live viewers. In this video he explains how Nazis are funnier and tells leftists to learn from them Vaush claims that humanitarian missions can be developed for the cause of socialism, as they’re “vaguely left wing.” This assertion is of course false, but the implicit connection is made between compassion and leftism, which is an interesting observation. The Acheron In Motion is run by a passionate Communist from a post-Soviet state, publishing about revolutionary history and the … But the last point was absolutely correct, Vaush furthering it with “100 dronestriked Iraqis are page 8 news; an American on tour who gets a splinter — that’s front page.” This speaks absolutely well about the state of American media and how it functions, implying that American governments can’t afford bad press, hence American charity missions can possibly used to serve to further “the cause” as they have this kind of public quasi-protection. That was a good comic. […] The only apparatus capable of mobilizing enough people [are justice dems]… BLM hasn’t accomplished very much but getting a lot of people on the streets… Americans maintain the illusion of apoliticality [sic. Now, we get to the “dodgy” part of the conversation — Value. It is one perspective out of many, but still worth reading about. 1 month ago. Vaush Youtube ranking - PLAYBOARD Hi, I'm Vaush. Well okay!”. The Acheron In Motion is run by a passionate Communist from a post-Soviet state, publishing about revolutionary history and the … This is where Hakim makes one of his biggest errors: he agrees with Vaush that yes, a revolution in America is indeed not possible. Unironically good propaganda. I wonder if there's more on https://www.reddit.com/r/PinkWug/. They wrote [in “The German Ideology,” Chapter I, Private Property and Communism]: ‘In history up to the present it is certainly an empirical fact that separate individuals have, with the broadening of their activity into world-historical activity, become more and more enslaved under a power alien to them (a pressure which they have conceived of as a dirty trick on the part of the so-called universal spirit, etc. The graph represents a network of 6,478 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "#SuperCapitalism", or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 18,000 tweets. Thus, Hakim’s assertion that “value transference will continue” is incorrect, as a nonexistent thing cannot be put into action, especially in a “fully socialist world.” But one thing he notes correctly is that the productive capacity will have to be developed and expanded. But this culminated in Dietzgen contacting Marx and becoming a Marxist, not furthering his philosophy by trying to continue on his individual path in the hopes of making another such discovery. Hakim wraps up with: “Reformism is generally a dead end… especially in the imperial core countries, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its uses according to the material conditions. It was all part of the new supercapitalism. Libertarian socialists understand this and they surely aren’t pacifists. Of course, Hakim’s comments would immediately be rendered correct, only if we take everything he describes to happen during the epoch of the proletarian dictatorship, where capitalism still dominates and is diverted through state capitalism for such “constructive purposes” as Lenin envisioned it in “The Tax in Kind.”, Moreover, Hakim stresses, that the “US won’t have a revolution. 1. He is fast talking, but the shit he is pushing, despite sounding smart, is actually really dumb. Edit: I had around 5-7 videos in this thread, all banned in just 6 months. If the working class doesn’t sweep in with the international revolution, we are indeed doomed to maintain “that economic divide” because capitalism will continue to dominate. You may know Vaush from Destiny's channel where he debated Destiny a number of times from a leftist perspective (he went by IrishLaddie). And we must hope that our two parties are too, as it’s not possible to foresee the future with certainty and we cannot physically know what madness and eschatological marvels may unfold in the next few months or years. Vaush’s *NEW* “Super” Capitalism Economic System PragerU Releases - And I'm Not Kidding Here - a Pro-Slavery Video Vaush Reacts: Vaush Detractors (BadEmpanada, Hakim, \u0026 More) The network was obtained from Twitter on Friday, 01 January 2021 at 16:40 UTC. All words and sentences that are given in quote marks represent direct citations from respective persons. We must not delude ourselves: streaming online doesn’t make one the herald of international class consciousness, nor does it constitute any form of activism, strictly speaking (Vaush calls what he does “advocacy”). I believe progressive socialism is the best solution to the problems our country - all countries - face, and I'm here to make arguments in favor of that belief. Definition of supercapitalism in the Definitions.net dictionary. They are too politically interested and would catch on very quickly and kill our potential. If you can’t provide a supply and have no resources to be part of the demand, then you’re not needed. . ... Trump is obviously super-ripped like in the Ben Garrison cartoons and MAGA photoshops. We speak to author Ben Burgis on the importance of narratives from medicare for all, to Q Anon, to Vaush's so called 'Super Capitalism', and the Capitol protest.Ben Burgis is a philosophy professor at Georgia State University Perimeter College and the author of the best-selling "Give Them An Argument: Logic for the Left." What must be noted, however, is Hakim’s characterization of the authoritarian-libertarian divide in a video he posted half a year ago, titled “Libertarian Socialism With Authoritarian Characteristics”: “We need to change the system we live in. We shall agree with Hakim that yes, material reality matters. No one will be able to reach the same substance and level of understanding as a well-learned Marxist if they don’t engage with theory and simply depend on such “unorthodox ways” for these revelations to fall out of. I think that would be fantastic, I don’t care about aesthetics at all!”. This is a correct and unfortunate observation — many “leftists,” especially online, build their “ideologies” on aesthetics. He claimed that this is also “rhetorically useful” because libertarianism tends to be associated with Capitalism, and while arguing with right-leaning people, it can serve to confuse them and then Vaush can correct them, which is “usually fun.”. I hope to have sufficiently showcased the positive and negative aspects of both parties and their arguments. Anarcho-Radlib 1 month ago. Super Capitalism (Also known as SupCap, S-Tier Capitalism) is an Ideology that competes to make Capitalism more Egalitarian, seeking for "All people can be Entrepreneurs!" We all know that Vaush has no empirical evidence that socialism will work, and neither Vaush nor Sargon are intelligent enough to make the philosophical arguments either. This is affirmed by the German Ideology, which V. I. Dyachenko explained well: “According to Marx and Engels, the world revolution on its path to communism would first have to break the world capitalist system, eliminate the world capitalist market (which dictates market conditions to all countries) and destroy the conditions that give rise to the private character of appropriation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Vaush is an American left-wing YouTuber known for his advocacy for socialism and debates with other youtubers, most notably Sargon Of Akkad and Destiny. The graph represents a network of 2,297 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "#SuperCapitalism", or who were replied to or mentioned in those tweets, taken from a data set limited to a maximum of 18,000 tweets. The tweets in the network were tweeted over the 2-day, 15-hour, 47-minute period from … Vaush is a live streamer on YouTube who talks about politics and plays videogames. This is actually a fucking good comic but I am trying hard to make sense of what they're protecting in the middle? However, given the fact that these two figures have more than 375,000 subscribers taken together, it must be said that they exert a limited, but an influence nevertheless. It has always been a dream of mine to channel my creative interests - political rhetoric, debate, media critique, illustration - into a vehicle through which I can change minds and improve some infinitesimally small corner of our beautiful world. As globalization increases, it is easy to see the top examples of capitalism. >>82225 Shut up fag. TLDR: you won't fool a Libertarian, but you can make progress with normies. These days, given the crisis facing capitalism, some might long for real superheroes. Precisely, Lenin wrote a few months before the October Revolution, both to his wife and publicly as a lecture, that he would likely not get to see a revolution in his lifetime. Trump Won’t Be Impeached, But Can He Be Disqualified? Long before me bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this class struggle and bourgeois economists, the economic economy of the classes. Destiny has overlap and origins in the internet debate logix scene so he appeals a lot to young It is quite obvious to every Marxist, that “living conditions will always evince a certain inequality which may be reduced to a minimum but never wholly eliminated.” But this is certainly not Vaush’s implication, who without a doubt isn’t acquainted with this letter. Super Capitalism Vaush’s *NEW* “Super” Capitalism Economic System Best Books for Business Owners Supercapitalism Is Capitalism Always Good for Democracy? Recently he set up his own Youtube channel and stream. From here, we arrive at Vaush’s vision for revolutionary activity: “form international workers’ […] aid missions […] humanitarian work in Rojava etc. They decide which goods and services to provide. It conveys the message perfectly, whereas bad propaganda is focused on vague ideological values like “hard work”, Hmm I do wonder if there is more PinkWug content on r/pinkwug what do you think u/pinkwug.

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