March 30, 2018

reddit data science

You need to understand data. A bit embarrassing, but at least I owned it and made some jokes about division by hand. Picking the brains of data science experts is a rare opportunity, but Reddit allows us to dive into their thought process. But by all means, if you don’t have much interview experience, prepare and practice! Just keep asking yourself if what you are investigating will ultimately be useful to the client. He thought that was an excellent example. That sometimes requires test tubes. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate. And sometimes Access. I asked a few former classmates about a couple of job postings, but it was all the same- I didn't have the experience. As in, how many changes would it take to get to the word we may want. This is a big problem I'm running into frequently with other analysts/data scientists in our company. I read in some places that no one would care about this, but I did it anyway, and listed all courses and bootcamps I had finished by that time, which was around 8. But this week, after two years in data science, I finished my first real, … Created an automated process using a batch file to run python script via task scheduler. That concluded the first in-person interview. Use it, go to r/learnprogramming or r/datascience or r/jobs or r/personalfinance. The grad degree flags you as someone that can learn more-or-less self directed. There was also a sense of pride, like "I'm gonna do this on my own and I'll figure it out". Learn essential skills to build a data science career by enrolling in top-rated programs from leading universities and companies. I told him that I love it, I’m excited by it, and I wana get better at it. After that course, I stumbled on Udemy and completed Jose Portilla’s Python for Data Science and Machine Learning bootcamp, which was a turning point from knowledge to application. The tech one would say I can take an idea and run with it to build a tool. Data … Download a PDF copy of your resume to your phone or a cloud drive, search on Glassdoor ON THE DAILY. Don’t be fooled by the hot-take in the headline. The offer may also have been contingent on your education background, you just had that already. The name of the school and the operations research degree opened up quite a few doors in the beginning of my (2-year) career, and definitely was a factor in getting an interview, but had nothing to do directly with what was needed for the Data Science job. First, you need to be able to code. Tell me a story. Towards Data Science provides a platform for thousands of people to exchange ideas and to expand our understanding of data science. Regardless, this served as a huge source of validation for me- these senior level members thought my code was good. Use your down time wisely! I hire data scientists so I thought I would tell you what I look for when I’m hiring newbies. I did about 30-35 interviews, phone and in person, before my current job so I had a lot of learning experience. However, that being said don’t take it too far. This place is where you earn your SQL, Excel, and Tableau medals. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Whatever makes you stick out! • So, data! If you see a dead squirrel on the top floor of a parking garage and your first thought is “Ewwwww, a dead squirrel” I don’t want you. A place for data science practitioners and professionals to discuss and debate data science career questions. I knew people in grad school that got straight A’s but couldn’t program their way out of a paper bag. I do as well. Chemistry is about understanding the world at distances from an angstrom to a micron (ish). The last exercise was codility- and while my code “worked”, there was likely some test cases I didn’t account for. Keep saved searches ready to go- “junior data scientist”, “data scientist”, “senior analytics”, “senior data analyst”, “junior machine learning”, “entry data science”, and so on. And you’ll be interviewing with 3 VPs, 2 C-level execs, and 2 data scientists. They didn’t follow through. If you use the term “p-value” while explaining results to a client I’ll dock your pay. And the candidates seem much more qualified after a few shots. • What are the projects I'll work on in the first month? But if you have the skills already, have done awesome projects that brought value to someone, I'm telling you now, there's nothing worthwhile you'll learn from a 60-70k degree. I’ll leave it to you to gather more advice on negotiating and how to go about it, but my general advice is to always negotiate. I understand if you keep that side of you under wraps around normal people. When you’re on the bus or laundromat or in bed late at night and can’t sleep, look for openings. I’ll leave you this fantastic link that helped with a changing mindset: http://www.kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation/. It’s uncomfortable, you’ll question your decision every second of the day for what seems like forever, you think they’ll rescind the offer and get someone cheaper. Back with more questions to grill me. From what I remember last time i looked a couple of years ago, like 90% jobs were all catered to finance so I stopped using it. • And what does that mean? Second, just to list out my background so people know where I started and how I got here: I graduated in 2013 with a bachelor’s in civil engineering (useless in this case) and again in 2015 with a master’s in operations research (much more useful, namewise at least) both from the same top school. At the end of the day, I'm not sure that I'm a prototypical data scientist, but I think that few people who do "data science" (whatever that means) are. A year later they’re in the same place. Validate the model. I’m coming from an adtech background, so the emphasis was very clear on the “finding meaning” part. Being more personable when explaining technical terms to non-tech people. In my time at this job (after work but also during work. You need to have good communications skills. I got into the adtech industry after my 4-month stint, they liked me because of that pivot table thing I learned to do /s. Everything is literally available for free somewhere online, and more structured resources are available at very low cost (Udemy and their $10 specials! You don't have to be proficient in everything, because even I spend a fair amount of time on stack overflow. The second exercise was from the company I ultimately accepted. • What’s something you want to be better at? If you need a formal requirements document and 6 agile sprints to complete a data science engagement you are taking too long. And they were completely obtuse. During this time I also completed Stanford’s Statistical Learning course on their Lagunita platform (good for knowledge base), the first three courses of Andrew Ng’s Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera (it was a breeze because it was in python and I had a deep understanding of dataframes by this time, also very good for knowledge base and algorithm implementation from scratch), and another Udemy class from Jose Salvatierra called the Complete PostgreSQL and Python Developer Course- also a game changer. The nontech would say I’m very helpful and available asap when he needs me. All of these are important but if you don’t notice and follow up on the initial oddity then we’ll never know will we? Adding to the last point, it’s hard to know where to start and where to go. With a role as specialized as this where there is a lot of demand, you have the upper hand if you’ve already proved yourself. A lot of people I know talk about taking classes and how excited they are. You should also check out our top GitHub and Reddit picks for January here: January 2019 Edition . Sooner or later you will need to impose structure on data or the data that is given to you will be highly structured. DataScience@SMU students gain highly sought-after skills in working with unstructured data, big data … 1. There wasn’t much theory behind it, which was perfectly fine, because I was going for 100% application. Not something you can really prepare for the night before, since it’s a way of thinking you’d have to grasp through all the classes and projects and problems you solved at your current job. Only if you upgrade to the super specialization for only $50/month more! For obvious reasons, we cannot share our passwords or secret keys. ), I took MIT’s Intro to Comp Sci with Python, Edx’s Analytics Edge, and Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning.

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