March 30, 2018

my dog died today i miss him

We had to let my beautiful Loki be sent to heaven. He will never be forgotten and will always be missed and never replaced. I knew this day would come and dreaded it always, and yet the pain is worse than I could ever have imagined. He’d just stand like a statue for a minute and then go on as if all was right with the world. It was that deep, dark, hidden part of your heart that would only allow unconditional love into it. She was not eating, she could barely move and she looked at me so sadly. I keep reliving the tragedy in my mind of watching her die and losing her so suddenly. The day I put him down, I was holding him in my arms and kissing his head when the vet said : he’s gone, I just lost it, I cried so deeply, I felt an emptiness and like my heart was being squeezed . Would she approve? But he always had my love and my protection . 2 days ago she was attacked in our backyard by two neighbours dogs. My 15 year old beagle died at home last December and I still miss her terribly. He would have been 14 tomorrow. Read more about grieving for pets on Dogster: About the author: Lisa Plummer Savas is a freelance writer, journalist, devoted dog mom, and animal activist. I’d grieved with friends and family over the loss of a dog many times in my life, but had never REALLY known until I got my first dog how incredible and indescribably fulfilling that relationship is. Thank you for giving me an outlet to vent a little. Please if you can, research ( vaccine induced diseases in dogs ) I don’t want anyone to go through the agony I went through. So I was extremely confident this now lump was just going to go away as fast as it came. Internist said he was too weak for further treatment, but the fever that was constant, was not there. I realize that my situation is a bit different, in that I lost my family and he was my little rock, but I don’t understand why I’m worse with Chip than I was with the prior dog (Joei). She sat right beside me on my console of my car. Your story is not dissimilar to mine. He’d bark when he had to go to the bathroom, so I lug him outside. He ran on the road and thought I was playing with him but I was catching him and right in front of my eyes a fast speeding car hit him ! And it was all my fault he … And the funny thing is, this once in a million connection built through a Dog’s Unconditional Love towards their owner, is at its greatest moment the best feeling one could have for another but at its worst moment the hardest thing to let go. As I buried my face in his thick, furry neck, I felt my dog take his very last breath. I wish I never put him on medicine and let nature take i’ts course. I can’t sleep and I have no appetite. I have not been able to walk with my fur girl much since then. How beautiful your message.. I’m still devastated and end up in tears at least twice a day. I miss him despite he had left this world less than an hour ago. You will too. I lost my baby girl yesterday after four hard days of watching her deteriorate. I lost m lab 2 days ago and I feel The same. But no one will replace my sweet Buddha. Like you I also have other dogs to fawn over, but he held a special place in my heart. Nobody understands what this feels like and thinks I should be past it by now. Hit and run driver. I’ve discovered that unless you love your dog as much as I did or if you’ve lost your dog in the past, most people don’t understand how I feel. What should I do? I didn’t let her suffer. How can they ship him off within 2 hours before his body is cold? We had him put to sleep, and I feel like our lives have been ripped apart. But still, he followed me to the car and my mum helped him in the backseat where he could lie down comfortably. I can’t sleep. … I understand all you who grieve because my handicapped husband and I had to put our 14 year old Dixie down and the greif has overwhelmed us we cry everyday and will not stop crying. I have noticed these changes in myself and maybe it’s just that I’m still grieving for him, actually I know I am. That's just by far one of the most lovable breeds out there. I can’t sleep at night and I cry hard every day since it happened on September 28,2017. My big hearted loving Dobie died suddenly from DCM today. I cry every day losing my girls.They say time heals all woumds ,but this woumd hurts so much! She was over 15 years old when we put her to slept. Thank you for the article! She’s never done that in her life. I know it is probably too soon and it is just my heart hurting. He loved me more than anyone ever has. He never let me down. I understand now I will always feel like that about him and all I can do is pray to not forget everything he gave to me (and my family). Hugo was the first dog I’d raised from cradle to grave. Someday we will all be reunited.. 2 days after she developed such Severe Arthritis that she could even sit up never-the-less stand. Blessings and comfort to all. Goodbye my sweet boo-boo, my baby girl, my gorgeous. Do you miss your dog? She had lost all movement in her rear legs, and I have tried so much with acupuncture and laser Therapy and even got her a wheelchair, she enjoyed her wheelchair for a bit and the last month she just wasn’t happy anymore and you could see pain was becoming more apparent. It’s comforting to know that I am not alone in this consuming grief. I brought my dog here for you to fix her and not put her down”. She was 6 weeks old, with her sister, she was my child for 16 years. Know this Dean, your post lends to your character. It’s lessened today, thankfully. The vet warned that it may come back into her lungs or brain. I blame myself for the death of my beloved Maddie. In the meantime, I’ll reflect on your words and honor my feelings. So much charisma and attitude for a little guy. ….unconditionally… for always. For all of you out there that have shared your story, I can certainly relate. he’s been gone about 2months now. That really hurts. He had a stroke and had to be put to sleep. I can closely relate to Lisa’s original story. Some underlying issue that we didn’t find in time. I try to picture them in heaven – no sickness, just healthy bouncy labs playing. He was fear aggressive and had numerous allergies. When does it start to feel better? In 1981, I was trying to decide whether to become a medical or holistic chiropractic physician. She had severe kidney disease. One mistake people make is to say well you had 15 years with her as if that at all takes away the pain and loss of a dear sweet dog who was a loving member of your family for over 15 years. its very overwhelming. But I came to realise that things happen in our life anyway, we shouldn’t judge ourselves from the consequences of what we did, but must only consider the intention. I am so sorry. My husbands job wouldn’t let him leave, so I had to hold him alone, cry over him alone, and bury him alone. I hope we meet again one day. I keep thinking I hear him or I look for him and he’s not there. The names, the way, the time change, but the pain and emptiness we feel is the same for everyone. Always looking at her picture. I feel like I’ve lost my children I just want them back I wish I could cancel Christmas everyone wants to be happy. I blame myself so much I miss her. I lost my beautiful baby girl Feb 2nd …. I don’t know what to do now. seeing him not be able to jump up on a bed or get off without hurting himsefl was sad to see. I’m just waiting for his ashes, i don’t know if my pain will ever go away im still depressed, he was with me in bad and good times so many memories, it hurts so much, I still cry and still miss him a lot, but i knew this was coming soon. I lost my girl Tess Yesterday I retired 5 yrs ago partially to spend more time her.We are always together. I brought him home because I felt no one would adopt him with his age. She took care of business and I thought that she might be even better in the morning. I picked her up, ran to my house, wrapped her in a towel and drove 100mph to the vet. I have never had a pet before, he was my first, or had to put any animal down. Mowgli, her mate and I were devastated. I asked him if he wanted to go outside – he got up & headed to the door…. So I should look back to the days that we changed him and gave him a good home. You are an incredible individual for providing an abandoned dog a wonderful, long, life from a rescue. My heart is broken. He was a 14 year old Maltese with heart disease for the past 3 years. He was our sunshine. You are responsible for them the rest of their life.”. I go visit her grave everyday the first dat 3-4x yesterday 3xs today 2xs only bc it was so windy. My Dog Just Died. The part that hurts the most are the empty spaces where she used to be. I pray eventually we can smile remembering all the funny, sweet things they filled our lives with. These past 9 weeks have been the hardest in my life so far and I’ve been through quite some painful things before this. I got my JRT pup when he was only 6 weeks old. I had lost my prior dog in June of 2000, along with my parents and only sibling between 1996 and 1999. After that I edited it down into a letter to my dog, which I put with her ashes. I have been reading all your comments, and I thank you for them, as they have helped. Lost him on Saturday before Christmas (2017). I snuggled with her on the couch when she passed. When we took her to our vet it was obvious she was shutting down and I love my sweet beautiful Baby too much for her to have suffered. I feel as of I should be the man of the house and be strong for my wife and kids but instead I walk away and grieve. He was my first dog, my baby and my light for 11 years. She always got excited when I said ” go bye byes? I realized I was crying harder than I had in years, my grief so intense, it felt as if a part of me had been clawed out and torn away. He was almost 17 Border collie. God I hope that I’ll return to normal again. Still dealing with all the stages of grief and it hurts so deeply. Though you are always on my mind, I will forever miss your presence. Would it be so surprising seeing as hypo thyroid is an autoimmune issue where your immune system attacks the thyroid so it could make you anemic too by giving him autoimmune anemia?! I feel guilty because somehow I ended his life. I just lost my Mochabear to tumor yesterday at 1pm… It was very sudden and even though we made the … I would get home after a long days work and she would hug me in her way. I don’t think I ever felt such grief. Hi Robert I lost my little girl Lilly 6 weeks ago and not a day goes by I don’t cry I miss everything about her she was nearly 16 but somehow I thought she would never leave me. Yesterday I put my girl CoCo down..I held her while she took her last breath, and for me I just kept praying I could take her pain, let her run around like she did as a puppy, I truly wish I could give up some of my time for her, it’s unbearable. So I walked around and saw this fuzzball, furry and unkept dog (Lhasa Apso Terrier mix) just staring at me which made me smile. I had a lot of concerns and regrets about Precious last moments as well. OUR BOND WAS SO GREAT !!!! My husband has lost his best friend. But the most of all you loved me unconditionally , more then anyone ever could and would. I sit in his room and just cry looking at his toys and bed. We had him euthanized on May 17th, just two days before he would have been 10 1/2. I just lost my puppy girl 12-20-18. Like you, I feel sorry for those whom have not had the chance to experience a relationship like that with a dog. I hope he wasn’t suffering much. We are now two days into our own journey through this all-consuming grief. Barked to much when someone was at the door. I miss him so much. I miss her so much. I started writing a journal, and I have his pictures. I think he knew that he wasn’t gonna life for another day. I just lost my dog tragically on 10/31/18 I feel the same, I am broken and depressed… is it any better for you a year later? In a deeply moving tribute, he says nothing has ever caused him so much pain. Thokpo My Love Today on 26/12/2020 at 06:15 am, my brother Thokpo left me. He looked so healthy! You see, my dad is old and we had been financially struggling for a long time. So I had to make the decision. I checked her over and her stomach was distended. I hugged him and whispered to him that I would see him again. There was a chance of recovery if it was a stroke but they wanted so much money for an MRI and seeing him struggle to even pick up his head was tough to watch. They were both sick and I had to put them down to keep them from suffering. 12 1/4 years. It’s a shame to waste all that love you have especially when there are so many homeless dogs just aching for it. It is so extreme! Heidi Says: January 1, 2010 at 9:24 pm. We miss you. Lily was so full of life a 13yr old puppy. I don’t even want to get out of bed. I lost my 14 year old daschund yesterday .. hadnto euthanize him. I feel the same way, I’m so sorry for your loss! My cat of 16 years had to be put down a few weeks ago. I have never felt grief like it ever. Always greeted with a big smile and wagging tail. Tessy didn’t have enough teeth to eat kibble let alone bite jabba the hut. I miss him so much — and I just can’t imagine our home and lives without him. Riley was a rescue, and was a challenge at first, but became the most loyal, loving boy that my husband and I adored. I lost my dog Daisy yesterday. The pain I feel is immeasurable, I question if I had ever done enough to deserve such a special dog. I cry everyday, my eyes are always swollen and red. I lost my little Harley on October 1st, 2017. She was proably 3 years old when I got her at the Humane Society Silicon Valley. We put down our old boy Bucker (15) and our baby Jenny (10) in the same week in June, 2017. Sorry man. And to those who are lonely, give it time, but in honor of your baby, adopt a shelter pet . Bill Maeda: I lost my Beagle Reina of 12 yrs to cancer and was going to require 2 surgeries. No more barks, no more lapping of water. At all start 3 months ago, vomiting, diarist, start to limp a little. He died with me in the backseat. I lost my precious baby girl Hazel yesterday. I miss you Shep, love you puppy dog. Just knowing I won’t see my baby again gives me such a frightening feeling. I hope for some peace for all of us that we gave our furr babies the best life we could. We had him for 17 years and 7 months. It’s like I’m in a fog. It has been 6 years and tears stream down my face as I type this. Special kinda love. She was only a little over 11 years old. When they worked it was a gift from heaven but poor Lizzie would have episodes that seem to take a toll on her in a progressive manner. I’ll say a prayer for all of us. My heart hurts. He was a momma’s boy from the very 1st day I got him and he’s always had me wrapped around his little paws. I wish I knew where she was now, is she safe, is she romping somewhere up in the heavens? He had been sick for 2.5 years with a terminal illness and slowly declining over that time. Not what I imagined for my beautiful boys last day. He made two small noises before his last breath. My one in a lifetime companion. I am plagued with feelings of guilt. I’m completely broken. I know in my heart that she was happy in life and will be waiting for me in death. She was sick with heart trouble but i was doing all i could with medication. He had Degenerative Myelopathy and Heart Failure. I lost my little dog recently. We will heal from this horrible pain and emptiness, and one day we will gaze into another dog’s eyes and we will realize that we have just found another soulmate. All of the above. His life was more than just that 1 day and it helped. Well sitting here feeling so darn sad about losing my little shihtzu Missy February 7,2018 to liver cancer. Now I feel like life isn’t worth living. It’s just hard. Now she isn’t here anymore and I cannot understand what went wrong? He was part of us. I am adjusting but life will never be the same. Just lost my 7 year old German Shepherd Maximus to cancer. I pace through the house from room to room in an effort to escape the sick feeling that’s overtaken me. I am sorry for your loss. It was like someone punched me so hard that I couldn’t balance. She loved to be outside so much. We love you Arty. Just like that, over 1 night. Turns out she had a small mast cell tumor. I’m so sorry about Ebbie. Mike. God took my Hercules, but at the same time spared my Jasmine for a whole year and a few months before taking her home as well. He deserved that. The joy and love he brought my family was immense. We adjusted and he was doing pretty well until about 2 weeks ago. I am still learning how to live without him. I had a lab named Cody that was 16, he collapsed the night before last and couldn’t move. We just lost our Schipperke Kahlua today. Me and my husband are grieving. The grief seems overwhelming most of the time and sometimes I feel like I’ll go crazy. I called down the hall for my 18 yr old son to come quickly, he did, and we didn’t know what to do. I lost my baby girl Sasha Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 4:30pm, worst day of my life.

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