March 30, 2018

list of foods containing red dye

I am in the process of forming a movement within my community, that will hopefully spread across the country, so that we as parents and adults can force the FDA to not only truly test the effects these dyes & preservatives have on children- but to Enforce a LAW that requires companies to List a warning on their pretty little packages: Red #40, Aluminum Lake, yellow #5, Fumeric Acid, BHA,BHT, ..,the list goes on and on. Some Nestle push-up pops have natural colors, but some of theirs still have synthetic dyes. It turns out that I am extremely allergic to Allura 40 (Red Dye 40) and break out in hives & rash. Thanks for the info about the fooducate app. I don't think so!! I am a 38 year old female and just found out about a year ago that my migraine headaches with nausea and palpitations are due to a red dye allergy. Food Red 17. Apr 19, 2019 - Color is the most appealing part of choosing a particular food. If eliminating this dye from her food will take all of this away, I have never been so gung ho for anything ever. Noam Yifrach, center, head of Israel's partner organization, Magen David Adom, runs with a banner carrying the new... 2 Red Cross Workers Killed In Sri Lanka lol I hardly eat out anymore....McDonald's lists that all of their shakes have red dye too! We go into her first allergy appointment on the 20th of this month, so we will find out for sure. Thank you so much for posting that comment about Bosco Strawberry Syrup. I think that you are right about it possibly being absorbed in the skin, or small amounts might have been accidentally ingested. I would have never thought it! If she holds a red crayon it will leave hives and near blisters where it touched her skin, hives on her face and watery eyes. Caramel coloring can be harmful (if what I read was true and accurate), but just how harmful is a mystery to me. Processed foods have come a long way, but at the expense of our growing health problems. Ten minutes later he had hives and woke up in the middle of the night with a bad stomach ache. I talked to the allergist(who will test him next month)but he doesn't think this could be the answer. 40 and Red No. Now I have vertigo spells, and my neurologist is starting to think I have MS. My son, who is 7, is ADHD and has it very severe! THanks for your site. I said I have made jello with plain gelatin and juice and she didn't break out into hives, but regular red jello did. I had already taken a spoonful. After getting called in to see the teacher one day, and having to listen to the way my child was described, I realized there was a problem, and it wasn't going away. I’ve read that chocolate flavoring … I was at stroke or heart attack level! Bless you!!!! Foods with red dye include candy, baking ingredients, beverages, dairy products, and a variety of snack foods. Thanks for the information!! I appreciate that you took the time to share what you have gone through and perhaps many others will find your comment helpful. Initially thought it was caffeine, but other caffeinated products don't bother me. Heart was beating wildly and I was starting to panic. We are a red dye free family, but occasionly my son gets s hold of some and our lives become misearble for 7-10 days. Hi and thank you for all of your latest comments. Keeping the Kids free of Artificial Dyes is getting Easier, Testimonials of Red Dye Free Blog Readers, American food companies have different ingredients for Britains. Now I'm beginning to wonder...I had Dominoes Pizza twice in the last few days. I didn't think anything about it and told him to switch it to the other arm. Our pets hide from her! (I'm not yelling that, but just making it known that a small dose for someone that is highly sensitive to it can make all the difference in the world). You have to check EVERYTHING!!! Why chocolate flavored things need red dye is beyond me!I wrote a company about the fact that they say "artificial colors" and asked if that could be red dye and they were irritated and said if there was red dye they would list it. We hate to burst your bubble, but it’s likely that your gum gets its vibrant pink, blue, or green hues from artificial colors. Thank you greatly. All very helpful.As for the natural vitamin, I have a friend that mentioned that Trader Joe's carries a natural children's vitamin that does not have red 40. Thank you Mom4Change. He said Diet Coke is better than Coke, but still it is worth cutting out of your diet. But, one day it all came together when I realized the Hershey's Lite syrup I was putting in his chocolate milk every morning had red 40! (I cut and pasted this from my post titled, "Can Your School Do This?" Feingold. Look up Red Dye # 2 and see what you get. I am also starting to think there may be some foods as well, but this is harder to isolate. Here in Canada they don't have to list anything accurately on the labels, so if it says 'color' anywhere in anyway we don't eat it. I will appreciate if you continue this in future. He even wore it one night. But like many families it still sneaks into the diet at school, daycare, when we go out to eat or go over to a fiends house. I am so happy to hear that so many people are finding this blog helpful. How do you get a 6 year old picky little eater (boy) to drink alka seltzer?? Thank you so much for this list! It is the disodium salt of 2,4,5,7-tetraiodofluorescein.Its maximum absorbance is at 530 nm in an aqueous solution, and it is subject to photodegradation. Took him to an allergist last month expressing my concern over all artificial colors and they sent me to a lab for bloodwork. It is a shame. At his annual physical, I was not shocked to see his weight percentile was declining. 1. I know your dilemma when it comes to removing the dyes. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed increased hyperactivity in their children after using heavily dyed modelling clay? I have another friend that mentioned using a tincture and mixing it with juice or the like. Could just the small quantity in her vitamin and an every other day snack make a difference? Not many people are aware of red dye 40 at an early age in their child because they just haven't heard yet. If you come across any more concerns, I will try my best to help out. Last night after eating spaghetti, she fought with HORRIBLE stomach pains clenching over from the pain! She told me to start slowly avoiding these and watch my daughter's behavior for two weeks. If I would have only known. His mom got him off it, though it was a lot harder to do back then. I just thought it was the medicine itself. I really hope this works. He has not had emotional issues like the other posts, but has had stomach aches,and hives. Thank you for this site and I hope it saves many lives!! I hsve to thank you for reccomending the Alka Seltzer Gold. Unfortunately it is in cheap makeup and in some lotions to make them look creamy.its not just that the makeup is cheap either because I will break out in this specific type of acne on my forehead even when I wear lipstick that contains it. I suspected even when I was nursing that he might react to red dye, as when I ate a certain candy he was very restless, but I chalked it up to the fact that this candy had apple juice in it, and we discovered apples upset him. I will solve this problem.Thank you so much for this site. For some, they fear a loss of profit. Juicy Bears has artificial dyes, the package looks the same as the others, and I served them to my kids and nephew, they have red and blue dye allergies. I can attest to how hard that is to do. "within 5 minutes of her eating this she came back in and asked for more, I looked at her and her whole mouth was broken out in a rash, and her tongue had spots on it. I am so excited about this! Great website...and cool article man...thanx for the great post...keep on posting such articles... Resources like the one you mentioned here will be very useful to me!

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