March 30, 2018

how much soybean oil to make biodiesel

Adding Sodium Methoxide to the Oil in the Mixing Bucket. Lye can burn the skin. An emerging disease has gained much attention in recent years. However, using all soybean production for biodiesel has not been proposed and is not realistic. Its purpose is to learn the procedure. As total U.S. soybean oil supply grew between MY 2010–2011 and MY 2017–2018, from about 22.5 billion pounds to nearly 26.0 billion pounds, the share of total soybean oil consumed as a biodiesel feedstock doubled, from about 15% to 30%. Hill A., Kurki A., Morris M., (2006), Biodiesel: The Sustainability Dimensions, ATTRA Publication. The many benefits to using soybean oil in the production of biodiesel include, soybeans are widely grown, the infrastructure and equipment to grow, transport and process them already exists, and the left over soybean meal is important for animal feed. Varieties grown in the United States are divided into 13 maturity groups, from maturity group 000, which is the earliest and adapted to northern regions of Minnesota and southern Canada, to maturity group X, adapted to southern regions such as south Texas. At 48 pounds per bushel, soybean meal remains a major product from soybeans and is used for animal feed and human food. • Methanol, KOH lye, and the HDPE #2 container are all available from online chemical supply stores. Feedstocks for Biofuel Production – Table of Contents, https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/tjw/www/scn_map.htm. Make biodiesel and create a scale model of an anaerobic digester, while investigating bioenergy and how it is produced. Maturity groups develop differently, and knowing the growth habit of different maturity groups can help with the crop management (Waitrak et al., 2010). Hofstrand D., Johanns A., (2010) Ag Marketing Resource Center, Biodiesel Profitability, Iowa State University Extension. 6; Biodiesel from algae is an area of ongoing research. Once it's dry, it's ready to be used. The method being described here is for making FAMEs biodiesel. Make sure to clean the wash bottle before using it again. Finally pour off the biodiesel from the top of the container. Using all U.S. soybeans for biodiesel could produce 5.1 billion gallons of biodiesel. The transesterification reaction yields methyl or ethyl esters (biodiesel) and a byproduct of glycerin. Current U.S. production of soybeans in 2009 was 3.4 billion bushels from 77.4 million acres. Using all U.S. soybeans for biodiesel could produce 5.1 billion gallons of biodiesel. Faith Davies has been writing professionally since 1996, contributing to various websites. Soybean is a cool-season legume which can be grown from south to north throughout much of the eastern half of the United States. About 1.04 gallons of soy ester would be required to perform the same work as one gallon of diesel fuel. In the last decade, biodiesel demand for soybean oil has grown by 300%. Stand the bottle up when finished and then let it settle for three hours. Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow. Soybean oil makes up the largest supply of biodiesel/renewable diesel today at 46%. However, using all soybean production for biodiesel has not been proposed and is not realistic. Energy Information Administration, http://www.eia.gov/. When including overhead costs for land, insurance, etc., the total is approximately $200 per acre. Insect pests include bean leaf beetle, soybean aphid, green clover worm, and spider mites. Soybean harvest begins after 95% leaf senescence when beans are at 12% to 18% moisture. Soybeans are well adapted to grow in soils similar to corn production. 1 bushel of soybeans produces about 1.5 gallons of biodiesel Assume a farmer owns 100 acres of soybean land. Soybeans, like many crops, face insect and disease pests along with weather-related challenges. Both chemicals should be kept out of the air as much as possible. The earlier varieties bloom when days are long and nights are short, while the later-maturing varieties bloom under relatively shorter days and longer nights. Renewable Fuel Association, http://www.ethanolrfa.org. Reynolds D.A., 2001, The Soybean Cyst Nematode, University of Minnesota Extension, FO-03935, http://www.soybeans.umn.edu. Prepare your wash bottles while the mixture settles. Potential oil yield for soybeans is about 18 percent. More than 80 percent of biodiesel is made from vegetable oil (the rest is mostly animal fats). Production costs will vary depending on location, cropping systems, and fluctuation in price of energy. Use one with a glass pitcher only. pdf. Biodiesel Magazine, (2008), 2009 Biodiesel Industry Directory, Fifth Edition December 2008, BBI International, Grand Forks, ND. You can also make biodiesel from waste cooking oil, but that is a little more involved, so let's start with the basics. Once you have successfully completed it a few times, you can increase the size of your batches. • Methanol, KOH lye, and the HDPE #2 container are all available from online chemical supply stores. In 2018, 70% of the biodiesel produced in Brazil had soybean oil as its source. Hoeft R.G., Nafziger E.D., Johnson R.R., (2000), Aldrich S.R. The slope of that breakeven relationship is 7.55, corresponding to an assumed conversion rate of 7.55 pounds of soybean oil per gallon of biodiesel, and the intercept of 0.60 reflects a $0.60 per gallon return for all other cost categories, including fixed costs. This demand positively impacts the price of soybeans. Wiatrak P., Shipe E., Norsworthy J., (2010) Soybean Maturity Groups and Growth Habit, Clemson University Soybean Production Website, http://www.clemson.edu. Soybean oil is a natural co-product of soybean processing, so biodiesel production doesn’t take land away from food production. She holds an LAH insurance license in the state of Pennsylvania and has experience as a bank branch manager and lending officer. • Your soybean oil must be fresh as you begin working with biodiesel. Cover the hole with duct tape. Be very careful to protect your arms, hands and chest when measuring lye. One major challenge for soybeans is the competing uses for soybean oil. Soybean oil is also available in bulk once you are ready to begin producing larger batches of biodiesel. Figure 8a shows the preparation of the catalyst with the alcohol, and Figur… Average yield per acre for the United States was 44 bushels per acre (National Agricultural Statistics Service). At this point, we generally like to add half … Roundtable on Responsible Soy Association, Biodiesel Benefits for Cattle Producers Feeding Byproducts of Biodiesel Production, University of Arkansas Soybean Production in Arkansas, Iowa State University Soybean Research and Extension, Kansas State Univ. Soybean (Glycine max) is a major crop throughout much of North America, South America, and Asia. Many insects and diseases are common in soybeans grown in the upper Midwest. Based on a yield of 44 bushels per acre, an acre of soybeans could yield 66 gallons of biodiesel, compared to 69 gallons for a 1,300-lb per acre canola yield, 84 gallons for sunflower and over 600 gallons for palm oil (Hill et al., 2006 and SDSU, 2008). Read more about the advantages and drawbacks of soybeans as a biofuel energy crop. 2006 and SDSU 2008). Vegetable oil (soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil etc) – 1 Litre; Sodium Hydroxide – 0.12 oz or 3.5 grams; A low-speed glass blender – avoid plastic due to the reaction that methanol can … Materials for Making Biodiesel 1 liter of new vegetable oil (e.g., canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil) 3.5 grams (0.12 ounces) sodium hydroxide (also known as lye). One bushel of soybeans can yield 1.5 gallons of biodiesel (NBB). Made locally in Illinois, biodiesel reduces our dependence on foreign oil. http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/ec872/build/ec872.pdf. Canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, etc will suffice. Add the biodiesel and 150 ml of water into one of the wash bottles, cap it tightly, lay the bottle on its side, and roll it on a flat surface. Currently in the United States, over 90% of soybeans planted are herbicide resistant (USDA ERS, 2009). Biodiesel can be made from animal fats, grease, vegetable oils, and algae. © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) eXtension. Obtain good-quality oil. Screw the lid onto the soda bottle tightly and let the bottle sit for 24 hours. Of plant-derived diesel feedstocks, soybeans yield the most of oil by weight, up to 20% (Mushrush, Willauer et al. The soybean and canola oil that make up the majority of biodiesel is basically the same as the cooking oil you buy at the grocery store, while the corn and used cooking oils are inedible varieties generally used for animal feed and other purposes. United State Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, (2009), Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.: Soybean Varieties, http://www.ers.usda.gov. Be sure to work with the raw material in a well-ventilated area. National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS), http://www.nass.usda.gov. The rest make up the balance almost equally. Carefully pour the top layer of glycerin into one of the empty soda bottles. Keep in mind that oil can become a “drying oil”, which is not good to make biodiesel if oil contains too many double bonded sites. It is found that soybean oil based biodiesel has closer properties with diesel fuel. This relationship reduces the need for supplemental nitrogen fertilizer in soybean production. The most damaging pest to soybeans is soybean cyst nematode, a soil-borne parasitic roundworm that feeds on soybean roots (Chen et al., 2001). A soil pH in the range of 5.5 to 7.0 will enhance nutrient availability and soybean growth (Ferguson et al., 2006). National Sunflower Association, (2009), 2009 U.S. Sunflower Crop Quality Report, Mandan, ND, http://www.sunflowernsa.com. Average yield per acre for the United States was 44 bushels per acre (National Agricultural Statistics Service). • If during step 6, your biodiesel does not separate from the water after the time window has elapsed, you will need to begin the process again, being more careful about the measurements of the methanol and the lye. In the U.S., soybean oil, corn oil, and recycled cooking oils are common feedstocks. Soybean oil is the main feedstock used to make biodiesel in the U.S. The methanol that is used in this process will "eat" a plastic pitcher. Soybeans and other legumes have a unique relationship with a bacteria bradyrhizobium species, which will colonize on soybean roots, forming a nodule. Soybeans contain approximately 18% to 20% oil compared to other oilseed crops such as canola (40%) and sunflower (43%) (Berglund et al., 2007; National Sunflower Association 2009). Biodiesel consumption in 2017 required production use of 6.2 billion pounds of soybean oil or the oil from 532 million soybean bushels. Figure 1 plots the weekly soybean oil and biodiesel price at Iowa plants from January 26, 2007 through August 25, 2017. The most common method of biodiesel production is a reaction of vegetable oils or animal fats with methanol or ethanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide (which acts as a catalyst). A 2009 life cycle analysis of biodiesel done by the USDA found that soy biodiesel yields 4.56 times the fossil energy needed to produce it. “While the estimate for crushing in 2019 is 19.6 million metric tons, the forecast for 2023 is that this number will jump to 30 million metric tons, being 23.7 million metric tons for soybean meal and 5.7 million metric tons for soybean oil,” analyzed Cogo. Pour the heated oil into the blender, add the core chemicals and blend on the lowest setting for 30 minutes. Klein R.N., and Wilson R.K., (2010), Crop Budgets Nebraska 2010, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, EC 872, http://www.ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/live/ec872/build/ec872.pdf. Replace the duct tape when only the biodiesel remains in the bottle. Environmental Protection Agency, http://www.EPA.gov. Both chemicals should be kept out of the air as much as possible. Weed control is necessary to achieve optimal yields, and use of biotech seeds has eased the ability to control weeds during the growing season. In today's world, biodiesel fuel is very appealing. Soybean production generally complements corn production in the upper Midwest. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. One bushel of soybeans can yield 1.5 gallons of biodiesel (NBB).

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