March 30, 2018

apple prodos dsk

[1], ProDOS was marketed by Apple as meaning Professional Disk Operating System, and became the most popular operating system for the Apple II series of computers 10 months after its release in January 1983.[2]. If necessary, ProDOS searches all available drives to find a named volume. Larger files have a master index block containing a list of up to 256 index block addresses. Upper-level … This is a minor release bringing fixes for the major 2.4 version, released months ago. It had color, graphics, sound, expansion slots, game paddles, and a built-in BASIC programming language. Pre-release documentation for ProDOS (including early editions of Beneath Apple ProDOS) documented SOS error codes, notably one for switched disks, that ProDOS itself could never generate. ProDOS 2.4 includes both the 6502 compatibility of ProDOS 1.x and the slot remapping functionality of ProDOS 2.x. VERSION. ProDOS simply treats pairs of 256-byte sectors as a single block on such drives.) Apple IIs continued to be able to boot the older DOS (even the Apple IIGS can boot the older DOS floppies) but as 3.5" floppies and hard disks became more prevalent, most users spent the bulk of their time in ProDOS. that a new release of ProDOS is available for download. VSDRIVE will really only work on ProDOS disks, and the serial driver will take some space normally required by a program that would consume the full 64k of a game. If the word "Apple" is found in the computer's ROM firmware, ProDOS will load up as normal. AppleII::ProDOS - Access files on Apple II ProDOS disk images. Modified disk data is automatically saved intoand loaded from files in Mednafen's nonvolatile memory/save game directory. We've discussed them before. Starting the Client - ProDOS (If you don't have the ADTPro client software on your Apple II yet, take a look at the serial or audio bootstrapping section to get that started.) The original ProDOS, renamed ProDOS 8 in version 1.2, is the last official operating system usable by all 8-bit Apple II series computers, and was distributed from 1983 to 1993. When you boot your Apple ] [ from the ADTPro-2.1.0.dsk disk, it will start a simple menu where you can pick which version of ADTPro you wish to start: Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) transfers physical disks and disk images between Apple II-era computers and the modern world. DSK, PO, 2IMG, NIB) and file systems (e.g. Subdirectories begin at one block, and grow automatically as needed. AppleWin supports ProDOS and DOS 3.3 disk image formats as well as copy-protected programs copied with "nibble copiers" to a disk image. This measure was taken by Apple Computer to discourage use of unlicensed Apple II clones. Some classic Mac OS versions also come with a file system translator to handle this file system. It is still possible to run newer versions of ProDOS on clones; however, users have to apply a small byte patch to every successive version of ProDOS. Aztec Apple II ProDOS 8 Shell - Manx Software Randy Hyde's ANIX Shell, Lazer Pascal and the LISA Assembler David A. Lyon's DAVEX Shell KYAN Pascal and the KIX Shell Michael J. Pender Jr.'s ProDOS Shell and ProBlock Block Copier The Phade Shell for Apple II DOS by Phade de Grass (Frank Gadegast) Apple CP/M Disk Images. There are several disk image file formats but for now I'm interested in the two raw formats that use the .dsk file extension.. The version with 4K of memory cost $1298. ProDOS 8 natively supports Disk II-compatible floppy drives, a RAM drive of approximately 59kB on computers having 128K or more RAM, and block devices whose controllers support the Pascal firmware protocol, a standardized method of accepting block reads and writes originally introduced for use with the UCSD p-System. The Apple /// utilities disk or any Apple disk image manipulation utility program like CiderPress or AppleCommander can be used to do this. DSK (.dsk, .do, .po). The root directory on most disks is initialized to 4 blocks, allowing 51 entries (excluding the volume header). With the release of ProDOS version 1.01 and higher, a check was added to see if it was running on an official Apple-manufactured computer. Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) is a utility that cna be used to transfer diskettes and logical disk images between Apple II-era computers and the modern world. All editions of ProDOS require an Apple II series computer or compatible. Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) transfers classic 8-bit Apple disk images over a serial, ethernet or audio link to a more modern computer. ... 140K DOS-ordered images (*.do, *.dsk); 140K ProDOS-ordered images (*.po); … WOZ. BASIC itself continued to be built into the Apple ROMs; BASIC.SYSTEM is merely a command interpreter enhancement that allows BASIC programs to access ProDOS by means of the same "Control-D" text output they had used under DOS 3.3. ProDOS has no kernel support for other file systems. If necessary, a conversion utility on the main system disk is used to transfer files individually between ProDOS and older Apple DOS 3.3 disks. ProDOS uses the same file system as the earlier Apple SOS for the Apple III. Starting from your ADTProSOS-2.1.0.dsk disk will bring up the main menu: If you accidentally start from the ProDOS-specific disk intended for the Apple II, you will instead see this screen when you boot: Here are two popular tools for handling Apple II disk images. This allows a disk to be used to boot on either Apple II or Apple III computers by putting both operating system kernels in the top directory: the Apple II boot sector looks for the file PRODOS and the Apple III boot sector looks for the file SOS.KERNEL. For this reason, most machine-language programs that run under Apple DOS will not work under ProDOS. It's easiest to start with an actual disk with the DOS or ProDOS on it and copy the format. The Apple IIe, also released in 1983, was the first Apple II computer to have 64kB of memory built in. Another way to obtain fresh disk image files is to download 'blank' .dsk and .nib images from the Apple II archives which offer them. Some users go as far as replacing their physical ROM chip(s) with an illegal copied version of Apple's own ROM; or, failing that, a custom patched ROM with "Apple" added in the name. For a while, Apple shipped both DOS 3.3 and ProDOS with new computers. It usually has the *.DSK extension, but may also be found with the *.PO extension as well. Question: Q:.2mg files to ProDOS floppy for Apple IIgs? The volume header contains similar information as relevant to volumes. DSK files of 800k 3.5" disks (819,200 bytes) are much less common. 5.25” DOS 3.3 or Prodos format .dsk could be any disk image but for Apple it’s usually one of .do or .po.do is typically DOS 3.3, usually 16 sectors but occasionally 13 sectors.po is Prodos format. It was superseded by ProDOS in 1983. Based on the seminal ADT, ADTPro can transfer any ProDOS- or SOS-visible volume. ProDOS addresses problems with handling hardware interrupts, and includes a well-defined and documented programming and expansion interface, which Apple DOS had always lacked. Specifically, AppleWin recognizes .BIN, .DO, .DSK, .NIB, .PO and .WOZ filename extensions as Apple II disk image files along with reading disk images from compressed (.zip / .gzip) files. Custom block device drivers can be hooked into the OS as well. There's .do for DOS 3.3 sector ordering and .po for ProDOS block ordering. A contributing reason was that ProDOS allows only 15 characters in a filename compared to Apple DOS's 30. This will make a disc named mminer.dsk which can be loaded up in an emulator. Aztec Apple II DOS 3.3 Shell - Manx Software Aztec Apple II ProDOS 8 Shell - Manx Software Thunderclock driver is updated to work through 2023; Download ProDOS 2.4.2 In GS/OS, the size of a device is limited to 8GB provided that you use either an HFS volume or an ISO image. Apple II DOS 3.3 Disk Images. To make the disc image, set an environment variable to point at apple commander (see notes) and then use the command: make dsk. All Apple II computers with modern USB storage devices or hard drives can now support up to 14 ProDOS volumes per device. ProDOS, unlike earlier Apple DOS versions, has its developmental roots in SOS, the operating system for the ill-fated Apple III computer released in 1980. When run from the Finder, the Solid-Apple key selects whether ProDOS 2.4 will Quit to Bitsy Bye or the Finder. I know Apple had ProDOS disk images for GS/OS hosted on their site, is there a backup of those images? Despite ProDOS's many advantages, many users and programmers resisted it for a time because of their investment in learning the ins and outs of Apple DOS and in Apple-DOS-based software and data formats. Apple's ProDOS Utilities to handle formatting of images on an emulator. BASIC.SYSTEM alone requires about as much memory as the whole of DOS 3.3. The original ProDOS (8) 1.0 through 1.0.2 requires only 48kB for the kernel, but nearly all programs, including the BASIC.SYSTEM needed to use Applesoft BASIC, require 64kB, making a 48kB system useless for ProDOS as a practical matter, and support for 48kB machines was removed in version 1.1. Edited October 9, 2018 by itsvince725 woz2dsk is a utility for converting .woz files to .dsk, .po and .nib files. Apple ][ Emulator Guide: .2 ProDOS Order (PO/.DSK) ... 6.1.2 ProDOS Order (PO/.DSK) Description. The host (server) component runs on today's computers with Java, and the 8-bit Apple (client) component runs on any Apple II or Apple /// compatible computer with 64k of memory or more. “Nibble Copy” Used for copy protected disks. DOS 3.3, ProDOS, CP/M, Pascal) and can do various disk image or file conversions as well as file extraction. Apple DOS only has built-in support for 5.25" floppy disks and requires patches to use peripheral devices such as hard disk drives and non-Disk-II floppy disk drives, including 3.5" floppy drives. 800k Prodos format. Description. I'm resurrecting my old IIgs to play around with, and I'm wondering if there's a way to put a .2MG image file onto a floppy. The original ProDOS, renamed ProDOS 8 in version 1.2, is the last official operating system usable by all 8-bit Apple II series computers, and was distributed from 1983 to 1993. Release Notes: Bugs fixed: If a directory with more than 255 I defined this format many years ago when creating ADT13, a fairly straightforward hack of the Apple-DOS-based ADT (Apple disk transfer), which itself has been largely superseeded by the Apple-ProDOS-based ADTPro today. With the release of ProDOS came the end of support for Integer BASIC and the original Apple II model, which had long since been effectively supplanted by Applesoft BASIC and the Apple II Plus. A volume is allocated in 512-byte blocks. Features of ProDOS 2.4.2 include: Compatibility with all 8-bit Apple II's; Bitsy Bye Program Launcher; Disk imaging using ADT Pro; Disk utilities; ROM ID detection for Apple II clones. ProDOS 8 Programs at the Aztec C Museum. These files cannot be read or written natively by ProDOS 8, though the volume itself remains compatible. As with all good projects, this one is a little out of hand, and it is becoming a general utility to manipulate Apple ][ emulator images. ... PACMAN.DSK sounds a lot like a game disk. Based on the seminal ADT, ADTPro can transfer any ProDOS- or SOS-visible volume. "Golden", "Franklin", "Elite") ProDOS refuses to run, locking up at the boot splash screen. [3] Third-party formatting utilities often did not provide the SOS boot block, and some would even mark block 1 available for user data. ProDOS is the name of two similar operating systems for the Apple II series of personal computers. Single-block files (under 513 bytes) have no index block; the directory entry points directly to the block of file data. The unofficial "ProDOS 8 2.4," released on August 16, 2016, removes the 65C02 requirement and will run on all Apple II computers with at least 64 KB of RAM, although BASIC.SYSTEM still requires an Applesoft ROM. Unlike the Apple I, the Apple II was fully assembled and ready to use with any display monitor. The ProDOS System Master Disk is a functional way to deal with this. ProDOS is the name of two similar operating systems for the Apple II series of personal computers. If anything else is found (e.g. ProDOS adds a standard method of accessing ROM-based drivers on expansion cards for disk devices, expands the maximum volume size from about 400 kilobytes to 32 megabytes, introduces support for hierarchical subdirectories (a vital feature for organizing a hard disk's storage space), and supports RAM disks on machines with 128kB or more of memory. .d13 is simply a variant of the most common format .dsk, just storing 13 instead of 16 sectors per track. Apple II computer enthusiasts are fortunate to have a very active community and to reinforce that, John Brooks has announced via Call A.P.P.L.E (adding these dots is so laborious!) All I have is the .dsk image. The filename suffixes relate chiefly to how data is arranged in the file: .dsk- technically, this may be an image which has its data in DOS 3.3 or ProDOS order. Bootstrapping the Apple II or Apple /// If you already have a way to transfer virtual disk images to your Apple, you can use that to transfer the latest disk image containing ADTPro that comes with this project (ADTPRO-2.1.0.DSK or ADTPROSOS-2.1.0.DSK) to your Apple. Because they use a different low-level disk format than DOS 3.3 and ProDOS, transferring data from DOS 3.2 disks to ProDOS is a two-step process using a DOS 3.3 disk as an intermediary (utilizing the DOS 3.3 utility MUFFIN or similar). But Apple's integrated software package AppleWorks, released in 1984, proved a compelling reason to switch, and by the end of 1985 few new software products were being released for the older operating system. Apple II Unix-like Shells Etc. SYNOPSIS Apple's ProDOS System Utilities - Filer v1.1.dsk, Apple IIe ProDOS Users Disk (copied 3-12-85).dsk, Apple II System Disk 3.2 on 800k image.2mg, Apple II System Utilities v3.0 (ProDOS8 v1.4 1987).dsk, Apple II System Utilities v3.1 (ProDOS8 v1.5 1988).dsk, Apple II System Utilities v3.1 (ProDOS8 v1.7 1988).dsk, Apple II System Utilities v3.2 (ProDOS8 v1.9 1990).dsk, ProDOS BASIC Programming Examples - 680-0235-A.dsk, ProDOS User's Disk for 64K Apple IIe and II Plus.dsk, ProDOS User's Disk for IIe and 64K II Plus.dsk, SuperQuick_ProDOS_SPEZIALVERSION FUER 160 TRACK.DSK. It can even get your Apple running if you don't have any disks at all. Now my question is: How can I make either a ProDos, or Dos 3.3 bootdisk without an existing one. Block 0 is the Apple II boot block and block 1 boots SOS. ProDOS Developers Disk 1.0c.dsk: 140 KB: 7 years ago ProDOS on 800k images.zip: 245.85 KB: 8 years ago ProDOS System-file Collection.2mg: 1.41 MB: 8 years ago ProDOS User's Disk for 64K Apple IIe and II Plus.dsk: 140 KB: 3 years ago ProDOS User's Disk for IIe and 64K II Plus.dsk: 140 KB: 3 years ago ProDOS Users Disk - 680-0224-C.dsk: 140 KB: 3 years ago ProDOS_1.0.1_filer.po: 140 KB: 2 … This document describes version 0.201 of AppleII::ProDOS, released September 12, 2015 as part of AppleII-LibA2 version 0.201. The PC drive hardware isn't compatible with the Apple II drive hardware. ProDOS 8 2.x runs in 64kB, but the utility programs on the system disk require 128kB. The .dsk extension can technically refer to any of several formats in this family, but in practice … Beneath Apple ProDOS contains these chapters: Introduction, To Build a Better DOS, Disk II Hardware and Diskette Formatting, Volumes / Directories / Files, The Structure of ProDOS, Using ProDOS From Assembly Language, Customizing ProDOS, ProDOS Global Pages, and Appendices for Example Programs, Diskette Protection Schemes, Nibblizing, The Logic State Sequencer, ProDOS / DOS / SOS, … CP/M Resources at www.cpm8680.com. I have an old Mac with a floppy drive running OS 9, and it can write … This article is from the Apple ][ Emulator Resources Guide, by Alex Maddison with numerous contributions by others. The other, ProDOS 16, was a stop-gap solution for the 16-bit Apple IIGS that was replaced by GS/OS within two years. "The ADTPro server can host two virtual hard drives to a connected Apple II or /// machine running a driver from the distribution disk, VDRIVE-2.0.0.DSK. There's some interesting abandonware out there in the emulator-friendly .2MG format, but I can't figure out how to get that data on the actual trusty ol' GS. Multi-disk or multi-side software will require the creation of a special configuration file,saved with the file extension "mai", to be loaded with Mednafen. Single and Double Lo-Res and Hi-Res Graphics in the C Programming Language DOS 3.3 Demos at the Aztec C Museum DOS 3.3 Programs at the Aztec C Museum. Download Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS for free. It never changes in size, except by manual intervention with special tools. ProDOS 8 requires 64kB of memory to run. Although ProDOS also includes support for a real-time clock (RTC), this support went largely unused until the release of the Apple IIGS, the first in the Apple II series to include an RTC on board. The apple2/template.dsk is a "blank ProDOS floppy" that has the loader and the game placed on it by AppleCommander. I also see.nib and.d13 files, e.g. This latter category includes 3.5" disk and hard drives. For the first time, the features and improvements of ProDOS 2.x are available on 6502-based Apple ] [, Apple ] [+, and un-enhanced Apple //e computers. This article is from the Apple ][ Emulator Resources Guide, by Alex Maddison with numerous contributions by others.. 6.1.2 ProDOS Order (PO/.DSK) This image is 143360 bytes in size (143488 with MacBinary header). Third-party clocks were available for the II Plus, IIe, and IIc, however. This mode offers up to eight devices in ProDOS and GS/OS. Other than this, there is no central file allocation table. APPLE-3-WAP-emm-09a.dsk APPLE-3-WAP-emm-09b.dsk WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARYPDS NAME: DOUBLE BOOTDISK # : APPLE-3-WAP-EMM-09BOOTABLE: YES I went about constructing this disk fairly objectively.I had read that putting together a "double-booting disk" should be easy: The book "Beneath Apple ProDos" (by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner)says this:"Block 1 on a ProDos volume contains the … This … NIB. 6.1.2 ProDOS Order (PO/.DSK) This image is 143360 bytes in size (143488 with MacBinary header). Single-disk single-side software can be loaded directly. The converter, written entirely in Python, allows users to convert the disks by mapping the sectors in a .dsk (DOS-order, .do) files into those of a .po (ProDOS-order) file. Choose the amount to pay for your annual membership to the Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.) It usually has the *.DSK extension, but … Apple ProDOS & GSOS; Apple Corporation; Apple II - IIe; Apple II Clones; Apple IIc; Apple IIGS; Appleworks; Technical Notes & Procedures Manuals; Applied Engineering; CFFA3000 & EMU Support Files; DIY Build Your Own; FileType Notes; Hardware Manuals; Programming Languages; Advertisements & Promotional Materials; Games A - B; Games C - E; Games F - G; Games H - K; Games L - M; Games N - … Whereas DOS 3.3 always loads built-in support for BASIC programming, under ProDOS this job is given to a separate system program called .mw-parser-output .monospaced{font-family:monospace,monospace}BASIC.SYSTEM, which one launches to run and write Applesoft BASIC programs. Systems with a 6502 CPU instead of a 65C02 must use ProDOS 8 versions prior to version 2.0. A data disk when booted (or started for those wondering what the Paul Hagstrom has updated his Apple II DSK to Prodos Ord (PO) disk converter. Apple DOS was the family of disk operating systems for the Apple II series of microcomputers from late 1978 through early 1983. ProDOS 2.4.2 is the current release, and available for ALL models of the Apple II. Its disk format and programming interface are completely different from those of Apple DOS, and ProDOS cannot read or write DOS 3.3 disks except by means of a conversion utility; while the low-level track-and-sector format of DOS 3.3 disks was retained for 5.25 inch disks, the high-level arrangement of files and directories is completely different. Enhanced. These formats are widely used by Apple II emulators. (5.25" floppy disks are still formatted using 256-byte sectors, as this is the format required by the controller ROM to boot the disk. Files with between 2 and 256 blocks (513 bytes to 128 kB) of data have a single index block, to which the directory entry points, which contains a list of up to 256 data block addresses. DOS 3.3 format with extra track and sector info. HDV. Archive.org has plenty of Apple II disk images, such as this DOS 3.3 image which is a.dsk file. Reboot the Apple with the ADTPro floppy, and you're ready to go. Apple DOS had three major releases: DOS 3.1, DOS 3.2, and DOS 3.3; each one of these three releases was followed by a second, minor "bug-fix" release, but only in the case of Apple DOS 3.2 did that minor release receive its own version number, Apple DOS … Website for ordering. CiderPress is a Windows MFC app but it runs fine under Wine on Linux or Mac OS X Since the ProDOS kernel itself is stowed away in the "Language Card" RAM, the usable amount of RAM for BASIC programmers remains the same under ProDOS as it had been under DOS 3.3. AppleCommander is a little project whose main purpose is to provide a tool to move data between Apple ][ disk images and a native filesystem ('C:\' for Windows, or '/wherever' for Linux and Mac OS X). User Group. - leesaudan2/woz2dsk Directories (including the root directory) are sequentially indexed, with each block starting with the address of the previous block (or zero if none) and the subsequent block (or zero if none). Sparse files are supported, but files are never "sparsified" by removing zero-filled blocks. Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS (ADTPro) transfers classic 8-bit Apple disk images over a serial, ethernet or audio link to a more modern computer. ProDOS 8 version 2.x requires a 65C02 or later (65802, 65816) CPU. Your Apple II. Now Apple II programs can use a single version of ProDOS to boot any Apple II and access all storage volumes. So running game disks is not really the use case … The original ProDOS was renamed ProDOS 8 when ProDOS 16 was released to support the 16-bit Apple IIGS computer, although ProDOS 16 was soon replaced by GS/OS. [citation needed] The other, ProDOS 16, was a stop-gap solution for the 16-bit Apple IIGS that was replaced by GS/OS within two years. ProDOS was released to address shortcomings in the earlier Apple operating system (called simply DOS), which was beginning to show its age.

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