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They are so alarmingly normal, these bog folk. “I still come and say hello to him whenever I’m in the gallery,” says Farley, a curator at the British Museum. List of MAC B. A team of virologists has isolated a nucleic acid sample from a newly discovered virus. A. A. The search for the origins of bog bodies and their secrets goes back a fairly long way, too. (a) Statement – I and II are correct and statement-II is correct explanation of statement – I. To have one explanation that fits bog bodies across Europe just isn’t going to work.”. A. We’re really trying to push the science as much as possible.”, In September 2012, the museum ran a dual-energy scan on Gebelein Man, an Egyptian mummy from 3,500 B.C. Bodies of water, such as ponds, freeze from top to bottom, forming a floating sheet of ice. Scholars tend to agree that Tollund Man’s killing was some kind of ritual sacrifice to the gods—perhaps a fertility offering. It increases the carbon dioxide levels through cellular respiration. A student uses a microscope to compare a human skeletal muscle cell and a human epithelial cell. C. Does the cell replicate genetic information? Glob notes pointedly that the cauldron’s goddesses all wear neck rings and twisted bands on their foreheads—“like the ropes round the necks of sacrificed bog men.”. There’s new hope that, sometime soon, he may start to speak. “It’s like he could wake up at any moment and say, ‘Oh, where was I?’” says Nielsen, who has clearly fallen under Tollund Man’s spell himself. They were fairies. Moreover, some of Lindow Man’s “wounds” might have occurred after death from the crushing weight of peat moss over centuries. of and to in a is that for on ##AT##-##AT## with The are be I this as it we by have not you which will from ( at ) or has an can our European was all : also " - 's your We A. Plants cannot use nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. Privacy Statement “We know something hugely significant is going on here. Which of the following examples explains how a biological activity relies on water's adhesive properties? His documentary about female boxer Klara Svensson, The Swedish Princess, comes out in May. A wooden post was planted to mark the spot where two brothers, Viggo and Emil Hojgaard, along with Viggo’s wife, Grethe, all from the nearby village of Tollund, struck the body of an adult man while they cut peat with their spades on May 6, 1950. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is proposing to reissue its existing NWPs and associated general … Frei uses strontium isotope analyses in her research. Humans have few offspring and a long generation time, and it is impossible to designate matings; therefore biochemical methods are used to map human chromosomes. Thus far, the results have proved disappointing. A local pond is slow to freeze, despite low air temperature. Which of the following claims is best supported by the information above? The software in most hospitals isn’t half as powerful as this. It was an incredible moment for me,” Frei told me. He’s dead. Next time they’ll use the petrous bone at the base of the skull, which is far denser than the femur and thus a more promising source of DNA. Every new tidbit unravels another thread in the deeply human mystery of these bog bodies. If RNA synthesis is blocked, bacteria will not be able to survive and reproduce. This is a collection of interesting news … A. Vesicles bud off from one organelle and then fuse with others to transport proteins through the endomembrane system. B. A. His beard and mustache had been clipped by shears. Which of the following is true about the amino acids that make up a transmembrane protein? The problem is that bog bodies often have no bones and their teeth are terribly degraded. It binds nitrogen, halting growth of bacteria and further mummifying the corpse. “It made me think that if they were sacrificed, maybe they made the trip as part of the sacrifice. Each water molecule can form four hydrogen bonds. In 1977, carbon dating proved him right: Harald­skjaer Woman—no longer referred to as Queen Gunhild—had lived during the fifth century B.C. A. Oh yes, there was also a plaited leather thong wrapped tightly around his neck. A body placed here decomposes extremely slowly. Nitrogen is found throughout ecosystems in both organic and inorganic forms. The botanists find that extremely high temperatures damage the membrane of the chloroplasts. Continue The unknown cell is a prokaryote. Frei had a revelation. New DNA Analysis Shows Aboriginal Australians Are the World's Oldest Society, The Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla and his Tower, Meet Joseph Rainey, the First Black Congressman, The State of American Craft Has Never Been Stronger. Nationwide Permits (NWPs) authorize certain activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Among the few dissident voices was that of a scrappy student, J.J.A. D. It increases the carbon dioxide levels through photosynthesis. Marshes, bogs, mud, or other softening of the surface by water, whether permanent or existing only at seasons of rain or inundation: also, sandy or other yielding surfaces not caused by water. Danish historian and linguist Niels Matthias Petersen identified her as Queen Gunhild of Norway, who, legend tells us, died around 970, and was notoriously cruel, clever, wanton and domineering. On the whole, Tacitus thought highly of the local inhabitants. “He is still a research source, but you’ve got to be careful.”, All things considered, Lindow Man has gotten roped into a tidy, satisfyingly creepy meta-narrative of ritual killing. The container is kept in well-lit and temperature controlled conditions. According to the old stories, the Viking king Harald Bluetooth of Denmark enticed Gunhild over from Norway to be his bride. Traitors and deserters are hanged on trees; the cowardly, the unwarlike and those who disgrace their bodies are drowned in miry swamps under a cover of wicker.” Professor and SS-Untersturmfuhrer Karl August Eckhardt interpreted this last phrase to mean homosexuals. His skin was tanned a deep chestnut, and his body appeared rubbery and deflated. Over thousands of years, layers of sphagnum moss accumulate, eventually forming a dome fed entirely by rainwater. Shortly before I arrived, Tollund Man’s hat was removed for the first time to obtain hair samples. Strontium is present nearly everywhere in nature, but in proportions that vary from one place to another. K/U 4. She was clamped to the moss with small staves through her elbows and knees. We have pretty good maps for the strontium characteristics of different countries, so by matching a particular body’s strontium makeup to the map, we can tell where its owner has been—and not just at one moment, but over time. That’s one of the reasons we sent him for a microCT scan in Paris, to look into his arteries.”, This article is a selection from the May issue of Smithsonian magazine. It is disconcertingly peaceful for someone who died so violently. “The DNA of the Haraldskjaer Woman will be beyond our reach forever, so she can lie down and rest.”. In response to the detection of low glucose levels, more glucose will be released from stored glycogen. There will always be new questions,” he says. This and other evidence led Kelly to propose the theory that the Celtic bog bodies were kings who had failed in their duties. To get a workable sample would be a godsend for bog body research, since it could clarify whether she was an outsider or a local. posted on 19 January 2021. Which chemical compounds block the 3'3'3'3, ' end of a growing RNA strand? It took Frei three years to develop a technique for cleaning hair and extracting usable strontium samples from it, but when she did, the results were startling. Otherwise, Tollund Man, as he would be called, looked pretty much like you and me, which is astonishing considering he lived some 2,300 years ago. Q. It is sharp, authoritative and moving all at once, and it remains intensely readable. D. The nucleotides of DNA and RNA contain the same nitrogenous bases. A. • Use the methods in (1) and (2) above. D. A covalent bond will form between the hydrogen of one water molecule and the oxygen of the other water molecule. This disrupts the neuron-muscle cell signaling pathway, resulting in temporary paralysis. “Tollund Man doesn’t care. Like the vessels and weapons, bog butter may have been destined for the gods, but scholars are just as likely to believe that the people who put it there were simply preserving it for later. B. Contiguous intracellular membranes connect each organelle, allowing proteins to travel through the endomembrane system. B. P. V. Glob, as everyone refers to him, has stamped his name more deeply than anyone else on the riddle of the bog bodies. The signaling process begins when membrane-bound structures inside the neuron fuse with the cell membrane, releasing signaling molecules into the neuromuscular junction. We need to approach Lindow Man and the other bodies from Lindow Moss as individuals—as people.”. D. Modified proteins are transported in vesicles that travel between membrane-bound organelles within the cell. Oh no! A. The cell membrane regulates the transport of all substances into and out of the cell. But we can’t say whether these people are being executed, whether they’ve been murdered, whether they’ve been brought there and disposed of, or ritually killed for religious reasons. Or maybe they drew straws—‘Oh damn! The first time I saw him in his glass case at the Silkeborg Museum, a kind of embarrassed hush came over me, as if I had intruded on a sacred mystery. Is water a reactant or product of the reaction? The epithelial cell requires more ATP than the muscle cell. The property belonged to the Earl of Moira, and it was his wife, Elizabeth Rawdon, Countess of Moira, who pursued what we believe to be the first serious investigation of such a find, publishing her results in the journal Archaeologia. A. B. K+ is transported through transmembrane ATPases. B. In the cell membrane, carbohydrate chains can be covalently linked to membrane proteins to form glycoproteins. C. Modified proteins are transported within contiguous extracellular membranes that connect membrane-bound organelles. B. Which of the following describes the most likely way in which two water molecules will interact? Modified proteins are transported in ribosomes that travel between membrane-bound organelles within the cell. 12.3 … The nucleotides of DNA and RNA contain a five-carbon sugar bonded to a phosphate group and a nitrogenous base. I would like to put a USB plug into his well-preserved brain and download everything that’s on it, but that’s impossible. They failed, but they’re not giving up. Which of the following questions will best direct an investigation on how an antibiotic that inhibits RNA synthesis in bacteria can be developed? C. Ions can freely dissolve across the lipid region of the cell membrane. C. The toxin attaches to specific phospholipids on the cell membrane. Which of the following plant cell structures is most likely to contain chlorophyll a? The high heat capacity of water allows the ocean to moderate the temperature of nearby air and land. Passage of water through aquaporins B. It was largely accepted that the majority of bog bodies dated to the Bronze and Iron Ages, but their murder was ascribed either to ritual sacrifice or criminal punishment. The ice molecules have higher kinetic energy than the liquid water molecules, causing them to float. D. The epithelial cell does not require ATP to function. A. “The Ahnenerbe’s was the dominant theory of bog bodies at the time, and it was dangerous to question it,” says Morten Ravn, a Danish curator who has published a historical overview of bog body research. The dead man wore a belt and an odd cap made of skin, but nothing else. C. A leaf floats on the surface of a puddle. Nobody can say for sure whether the people who buried the bodies in the bog knew that the sphagnum moss would keep those bodies intact. One of the few who dared was a historian of culture named Alfred Dieck, who perhaps felt himself protected by his own Nazi Party membership. Lactose is a dimer sugar composed of two monomeric subunits (galactose and glucose). These molecules then diffuse through the junction and binds to receptors on the surface of the muscle cell, leading to muscle contraction. A. It will increase due to the emission of fossil fuels from the decaying plant. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is classified as an RNA virus because its genome, or genetic material, consists of a single strand of RNA. Which of the following statements explains why the ice floats on the surface of the pond? This function: “There’s clearly something a bit weird happening in Cheshire in the early Roman period. D. It would decrease due to decomposition of the plant. To date, it has been almost impossible to get because the acid in bogs causes DNA to disintegrate. In 2014, the Rossan bog in Ireland’s County Meath yielded a leg and arm bones and another leg last year. 1. That doesn’t mean the odd bog body doesn’t still turn up. The covalent bonds within an individual glucose monomer will not be cleaved. B. Does the cell have a selectively permeable membrane? Which of the following is likely to happen to the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere if the plant dies? The strontium isotope ratio in the first molar enamel shows where you come from originally, the long bone of the leg will show where you spent the last ten years of your life, and a rib will localize you for the last three or four years. Today we go about things entirely differently. Was he prone to diabetes? The ecosystem consists of a glass container with an Earth-like atmosphere and a body of freshwater. This latter interpretation rested heavily on the writings of the Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus, whose Germania, written in A.D. 98, portrays social customs in the northern parts of the empire. “Most people get very silent,” says Nielsen. Modified proteins are transported within contiguous intracellular membranes that connect membrane-bound organelles. Small differences in the strontium isotope’s proportions between the two samples suggest that while he spent his final year in Denmark, he might have moved at least 20 miles in his final six months. Which of the following best describes how the toxin attaches to the cell membrane? Much of what we know about bog bodies amounts to little more than guesswork and informed conjecture. The roster from that period is a bog body Who’s Who: Tollund Man, Haraldskjaer Woman, Grauballe Man, Windeby Girl, Lindow Man, Clonycavan Man and Oldcroghan Man. Farley thinks the sinew tied around Lindow Man’s neck could as easily be a necklace as a garrote. A 5,500-year-old crime had been revealed. Similar results. The True History Behind Netflix's 'The Dig' and Sutton Hoo, Trove of 650 Coins Bearing Likenesses of Caesar, Mark Antony Unearthed in Turkey, Newly Unearthed Bronze Age Graves Underscore Stonehenge Tunnel's Potential Threat to Heritage, In the 1980s, a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol. A biologist develops a simulation of the carbon cycle in a laboratory by setting up a closed ecosystem. But his age makes him an outlier. His book, The Bog People—to the bighearted Glob, they were people, not bodies—was hailed as a modest masterpiece when it appeared in 1965. “It gives you amazing clarity for both the thicker parts, such as bones, and the more delicate parts, such as skin,” says Daniel Antoine, the British Museum’s curator of physical anthropology. This changed everything, except perhaps for the victim. Glob, who died in 1985, succeeded not only in providing the scaffolding for our understanding of Tollund Man and his kin, but in restoring their humanity as well. C. The unknown cell cannot synthesize proteins. Cowpox is classified as a DNA virus because its genome, or genetic material, consists of double-stranded DNA. Are the monomers identical to one another? Frei compared the strontium in Tollund Man’s short hair with the strontium in his femur. Advertising Notice In this case, it might turn out that Ole Nielsen is troubling Tollund Man’s dreamless sleep for very little. O Marshes can contain fresh water, while bogs contain salt water. If blood glucose levels decrease, glycogen breaks down to release glucose in a process called glycogenolysis. C. Because water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid, it easily vaporizes, causing excess heat to escape into the air near coastal cities. D. Uracil nucleotides are present in the HIV genome. The first museum exhibition Julia Farley recalls seeing as a child is the Lindow Man in the British Museum. A. Hydrophilic phosphate regions are positioned toward aqueous environments. As the gangliosides build up, neurons rapidly degenerate. A. The toxin attaches to specific monosaccharides on the cell membrane. Almost a year after telling me this, Frei wrote to give me an early preview of her results. C. The muscle cell does not require ATP to function. A. Both had lived between 400 and 175 B.C., and both had been subjected to a spectacular variety of depredations, including having their nipples mutilated. It looks like your browser needs an update. and A.D. 100. The Complete Guide to the TOEFL ® Test iBT EDITION AUDIO SCRIPTS AND ANSWER KEY Besides, there’s also the odd business of bog butter. He conjured bog bodies back to life and made the world take notice of them. Joshua Levine is a Paris-based freelance journalist. If a toxin were to inhibit glycogenolysis, which of the following statements best predicts a consequence of this inhibition? B. They autopsied him like you would do an ordinary body, took out his intestines, said, yup it’s all there, and put it back. C. Water's hydrophobic nature separates polar and non-polar substances. B. He once stood around 5-foot-6. C. The nucleotides of DNA and RNA contain the same five-carbon sugar. A biologist develops a simulation of the carbon cycle in a laboratory by setting up a closed ecosystem. Did Stonehenge Originally Stand in Wales? Kelly’s theory was a significant break from bog body orthodoxy. California Do Not Sell My Info It matters greatly, too, whether Lindow Man lived before or after the Roman conquest of Britain around A.D. 60.

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